13 Engineers To Build Mobility Solutions In Element14’s Make Life Accessible Design Challenge – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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13 Engineers To Build Mobility Solutions In Element14’s Make Life Accessible Design Challenge

Make Life Accessible asks participants to create design mobility solutions for people with disabilities

element14, the world’s largest electronic design element14-logo-300x77community, announces today the finalists of its Make Life Accessible Design Challenge. Sponsored by NXP, element14 is challenging its community members to use motor control technology to create innovative mobility solutions that will improve the lives and accessibility of people living with disabilities.

“The submissions we received for the Make Life Accessible Challenge ranged from a solar powered ice melter to a motorised, articulated table top – addressing simple everyday challenges most able-bodied people overlook,” said Dianne Kibbey, Global Head of Content and Community, element14. “We’re excited to see these ideas come to fruition and help provide a more accessible and comfortable lifestyle for people with all levels of physical abilities.”

The 13 challengers in the Make Life Accessible Design Challenge, their home countries and their solutions include:

  • Yao Feng, China: Intelligent elbow motion assist module

  • Ambrogio Galbusera, Italy: Eye tracker and automated drawing system

  • Douglas Wong, Canada: Solar powered device to direct sunlight to melt snow

  • David Delebassee, Belgium: Pen cap remover

  • Graham Webber, Saudi Arabia: Smart storage system

  • Brenda Armour, Canada: Mobile resting station to lift cats

  • Carlos Rios, Mexico: Vibrating glove for two way communication

  • Benjamin Bonnal, Switzerland: Automated bedside drawer opener

  • Mocanu Andreea Catalina, Romania: Motorized guiding stick for people with unusual impairment

  • Alexandros Pilios, Netherlands: Motorized Brain Assist. Modular system (MOBRAS)

  • Scott Coppersmith, United States: Motorized articulating table top

  • Bram Kools, Netherlands: Adjustable room furniture

  • Tyler Roush, United States: Motorized carousel system to reach high cupboards

Challengers have until June 6th to build and submit their projects to be eligible for prizes. element14 will provide an official Design Challenge Kit and NXP Freedom Development Board, which challengers are required to use in their design.

Final projects will be judged on originality, innovation and technical merit by a panel of expert judges including NXP’s Mark Houston and Benjamin Heckendorn, host of element14’s The Ben Heck Show. The winners will be announced on June 21st and their awards will be the following:

  • Grand Prize – Design will be featured on element14’s The Ben Heck Show and the designer will receive an NXP High-Voltage Development Platform Kit, Oculus Rift, Oculus Touch Controller and Go Pro Hero 4 Black

  • Second Prize – The designer will receive an Oculus Rift and an Oculus Touch Controller

  • Third Prize – The designer will receive a GoPro Hero Session

All Challengers who submit a completed project will receive NHT Superbuds. Each of the 13 challengers will provide weekly updates on their progress through blog posts, photos and videos via the element14 Community.

To learn more about the Make Life Accessible Challenge and follow along with the 13 challengers, visit https://www.element14.com/makelifeaccessible

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