Eyeing a bigger play in the niche Indian gaming market, Samsung today launched its ‘curved’ gaming monitor, priced at Rs 35,000 onwards. “Gamers are demanding advanced display technologies in monitors in order to experience every nuance of the game. There is a need for better monitors for enhanced gaming experience in the country,” Samsung India Director (CE B2B Business) Puneet Sethi told reporters here. He said the launch of the curved gaming monitor is a step in that direction. Samsung will compete with the likes of Benq and Asus, who also have a strong line-up of gaming monitors.
To be available in two versions — 24-inch display (Rs 35,000) and 27-inch (Rs 42,000), the monitors have a radius of 1800mm, providing an immersive experience to gamers. “The monitor comes with a host of features like 144 Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time, making a perfect delight for gamers in India. Quantum dot technology offers a level of picture quality like the industry has never seen before,” he said. According to a CII report, India’s gaming industry was valued at $543.08 million in 2016 and is projected to cross $800 million by 2022. Computer gaming segment accounted for a share of 15.54% of the Indian gaming market at $84.4 million in 2016. The gaming industry in India has grown rapidly over the last decade, predominantly on the back of increasing smartphone and Internet penetration coupled with rising income levels of consumers in the country.
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