Dell EMC India wins the NASSCOM Global Capability Center’s Award 2018
K.S Vishwanathan, Vice President, NASSCOM; Gautam Gulati, Director, Schlumberger and Chair, Pune GCC chapter; Vikram Manikanta, Sr. Manager, Dell EMC; Jasjit Kang, Executive Vice President, Alight Solutions, and Chair NR GCC; Sarv Saravanan, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Dell EMC India Centre of Excellence; Murale Narayanan, Director, Global Competency, Dell EMC; Deepak Mangla, Chief Executive Officer, Global Head of GSC’s, JP Morgan and Chair NASSCOM GCC Council; Sandeep Sugavanam, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Ameriprise Financial, and NR GCC Council Co-Chair.
Dell EMC India won the prestigious NASSCOM Global Capability Center’s (GCC) Award 2018 for organizational excellence at the NASSCOM GCC Summit held in Mumbai. The organization has always been a stellar, all-round performer and has won this award for being a titan in innovation. Speaking on the momentous occasion Sarv Saravanan, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Dell EMC India COE said, “As digital becomes more mainstream in a consumer’s life, technology will change rapidly and lead to a virtuous cycle of innovation. The pace of technology change to support a digital business is so high, that companies need to bet on the right ecosystem of technologies and transform their talent at scale. We believe that Dell EMC India has the capability to be agile and align itself with the global organization’s vision to truly drive value. Therefore, we invest in reskilling talent, enhancing process efficiencies and using technology for human progress. We are proud to win NASSCOM GCC Award and will continue to be at the helm of implementing emerging technologies to transform businesses and benefit society.”