Google Unveils New Program to Solve Security Issues – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Google Unveils New Program to Solve Security Issues

The tech giant has recently introduced a modern step to help 3rd party Android vendors patch faults and vulnerabilities quicker. It has unveiled a new Android Partner Vulnerability Initiative which can help producers to discover flaws and help them solve it sooner. Discretely, Google is also making a new Android security team that would just be attentive on looking for weaknesses in highly sensitive applications on the Google Play store.

The new Android Partner Vulnerability Initiative has been presented by the team of Android Security and Privacy to handle security issues that are related to 3rd party Android vendors. The initiative is going to make amends and it will provide lucidity to users about problems that are revealed at the company, Google that affects device models shipped by Android partners.


Image from Google

Also, the APVI has already addressed a variety of security issues. It doesn’t name vendor partners, but it lists bug tracker for the initiative such as Oppo, Huawei, Vivo, ZTE, and Meizu. The Chipmaker MediaTek has also been named along with Digitime and Transsion. The technology giant indicates that most of the liabilities found have been fixed by vendors. Therefore, this action will put some obligation on Android vendors to take smartphone security and other devices more gravely and solve these problems rapidly.

Google has also issued a new job posting which is looking for an Engineering Manager for security to help design and preserve the most innocuous operating environment for Google’s customers and inventors.

A google play’s Software Engineering Manager has told me that the firm is aiming to build a team that will concentrate on very sensitive applications like for instance COVID-19 contact number tracing apps and election-related apps.

While Google does have a bug bounty step named as Google Play Security Reward Program in which it provides security analysts with money in exchange for finding troubles, but this program is restricted to apps that have more than one hundred million users and highly complex applications aren’t constantly qualified for Google Play Security Reward Program rewards. This newly-fangled team is aiming to shut down the loophole and help in making the Google Play store’s ecosystem a little safer.

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