Android Dominates In 12 Out of 15 Countries! – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Android Dominates In 12 Out of 15 Countries!

Android1In their first annual global mobile data report, the analytic’s firm, Mixpanel says that the Android is the most used platform for the lion’s share of app data. The data is generated from the top 15 countries, as measured by active mobile usage.

The data stated that 12 out of the top 15 ‘data using’ countries are dominated by Android OS based smartphones. About 64 per cent of all the mobile data from the top 15 data generators came from Android devices, and only three of the top 15 showed the primary use iOS based devices.

The top data producers are mostly Spanish speaking countries, and countries with Spanish as their native tongue. The Android is even more often used in such countries. Nearly, 74 per cent of all the data is generated by apps that are used by Android devices. Countries like France, Japan and Netherlands are the only three countries on the list where iOS is in majority, with Thailand as the only country with 50-50 usage of the two operating systems.

App revenue in Asia has grown by 162 per cent, and most of the growth is dominated by Android devices, in a different report.

Source: EFY Times

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