The event was held in 7 cities and attracted over 500+ partners within a span of 18 days across India
Strengthening its focus on Indian market, AOC world leader in the LED and LCD display, appoints Creative
Peripherals (CPDPL), as their Regional Distributor for its LED range of TVs. Being one among India’s leading distribution networks in IT,Creative peripherals will be exclusively distributing AOC TVs in West and South region of India.
“We are continuously expanding our reach and operations, duly accommodating to the needs of all segments of customers through various leading brands. We are glad to be associated with AOC TV and offer product catering to the critical lookouts of customers namely quality, price and after sale service. This tie up is a testimony to our reputation as one of the leading and strong players in the IT distribution market.” said Ketan C Patel, CEO at Creative Peripherals.
“We are confident that the channel strength that CPDPL brings to the table & the innovation in technology that AOC is known for will work in synergy to our advantage in Indian. This tie up would enable us to meet the objective of having highly efficient supply chain for our growing channel business in India,” said Saurabh Grover, Country Head at AOC. “They will play an instrumental role in further enhancing our channel base and provide us deep expertise and local support in selling our products to Indian customers.”
India is witnessing a surge in TV sales, which is mainly driven by recent changes in Infotainment policies and Govt initiatives such as Digital India. Aspirations of small towns and tier-II cities to upgrade products, be it smartphones, televisions and home appliances will further push the demand for this. With this alliance, CPDPL aims to good growth to the tune of 20-25% q-o-q for the first 4 quarters and have a target to sell at least 5000-7000 AOC TV’s per month in the West and South regions by end of 2017.