ASRock Announces The Latest 8 Series OC Competition With HWBOT! – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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ASRock Announces The Latest 8 Series OC Competition With HWBOT!

imagesThe world leading motherboard maker ASRock announced today its latest overclocking competition with HWBOT- “ASRock 8 Series OC Competition,” which will be separated into three events: CPU-Z, Super Pi 32M and memory overclocking. The participants will be competing for the highest CPU-Z, Super Pi 32M scores or ram speed submissions to

The contest starts from July 22 and runs until September 2. It is open to all overclockers with ASRock 8 series motherboards and Intel® 4th Generation CPUs. The total prize is worth more than USD $12, 000 dollars and the final champion of each event will be awarded with a top prize ranging from $2,600 to $3,100 dollars value. Any entry that breaks the world record will be awarded with an additional USD $1, 000 cash prize. With the grand prize and the collective effort from Intel, Kingston, Antec, Nvidia and Gainward, ASRock 8 Series OC COMPETITION will be the most anticipated OC event for global hardware enthusiasts.

The contest includes three events: CPU-Z, memory clock and Super Pi 32M. The scores will be reviewed on a bi-weekly basis and the highest/ fastest scores will be the bi-week’s winner. The participant who submits the highest/ fastest score within these six weeks will be the final champion for each group respectively. The final champions of memory clock and Super Pi 32M will be awarded with prizes worth USD $2, 600 dollars respectively while the final winner of CPU-Z will be awarded with prizes worth USD $3, 100 dollars.

ASRock OC Formula series motherboard is the fantasy for global PC enthusiasts. Following the stunning award winning records of Z77 OC Formula, Z87M OC Formula has been used to break several world records in both CPU and memory overclocking since its debut in early June, 2013. In addition to its predecessor’s features-Power Kit, Connector Kit, Cooling Kit, Z87M OC Formula overtakes its previous version by carrying new 8 Series exclusive technologies, code named A-Style, featuring Home Cloud, Purity Sound™, HDMI-In and more.

With the powerful Z87 OC Formula series motherboard, you can be the next world OC champion by beating OC Master Nick Shih’s unprecedented records and win an additional USD $1, 000 cash prize if you break the world record in ASRock 8 Series OC Competition!


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