ICANN 65 | Day 2 – NextGen Presentations

NextGen participants gave 5-10 minute presentations on various topics of research they have completed, related to ICANN’s work, or websites they are affiliated with related to ICANN’s work, or thesis projects they

ICANN 65 | Day 1 – Multistakeholder Ethos Award

The Multistakeholder Ethos Award Program, launched in June 2014 in London, seeks to recognize long-standing community members who have served in leadership roles in multiple ICANN working groups or committees, and demonstrated

ICANN 65 | Day 1 – Wiki Edit-A-Thon

ICANNWiki is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Internet community’s collaborative development of wiki articles on ICANN and Internet Governance-related topics. The wiki provides neutral, third-party information for ICANN meeting attendees and Internet citizens

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