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Avaya Opens ENGAGE® 2019 User Conference with Intelligent Cloud Solutions and More to Transform Customer and Employee Experiences

I hurried into the local department store Cisco 300-070 pdf to Learnguidepdf grab1 some last minute 70-412 exam questions Chirsmas gifts. I 1Z0-062 study guide pdf looked at 70-412 exam questions all the people and grumbled2 Cisco 300-070 pdf to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do. Cisco 300-070 pdf Chirsmas was beginning to become such a drag. I kinda wished that I could 70-412 exam questions just sleep through Chirsmas. 1Z0-062 study guide pdf But I hurried the best I could through all the people 1Z0-062 study guide pdf to the Testprepwell toy department. Once again I kind of mumbled3 to myself at the prices of all these Learnguidepdf toys, and wondered 1Z0-062 study guide pdf if the grandkids would even play whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy about 5 holding a 1Z0-062 study guide pdf lovely doll.He kept touching6 Testprepwell her hair and he held Cisco 300-070 pdf her so gently. I could not seem to help myself. I just kept 1Z0-062 study guide pdf loking over at the Microsoft 70-533 Dumps little boy and Cisco 300-070 pdf wondered who the doll was for. I watched 1Z0-062 study guide pdf him turn to a woman 70-346 exam questions 70-346 exam questions and he called his aunt by name and said, Microsoft 70-533 Dumps “Are you sure 70-412 exam questions I don’t have enough money?” She replied a bit impatiently, “You Cisco 300-070 pdf know that you don’t have Cisco 300-070 pdf enough money for it.” The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere that she had to go and 70-412 exam questions get some other Testprepwell things and would be back 1Z0-062 study guide pdf in a few minutes. And then Microsoft 70-533 Dumps she left Microsoft 70-533 Dumps the aisle. The boy continued to hold the Cisco 300-070 pdf doll. After a bit I asked the Microsoft 70-533 Dumps boy who the doll was for. Cisco 300-070 pdf He said, “It is the 1Z0-062 study guide pdf doll my Learnguidepdf sister wanted so badly for Chirsmas. 70-346 exam questions She Learnguidepdf just knew 70-346 exam questions that Santa would bring it. “I told him that maybe Cisco 300-070 pdf Learnguidepdf Santa was going to bring it Microsoft 70-533 Dumps . Testprepwell Learnguidepdf He said, “No, Santa can’t go where my sister is…. I have to give Testprepwell the doll to 70-412 exam questions my Mama to take 70-346 exam questions to her. “I asked him 70-346 exam questions where his siter was. He looked at me with the 70-412 exam questions saddest eyes and said, “She Cisco 300-070 pdf was gone to 1Z0-062 study guide pdf be with Jesus.

My Daddy says that Mamma is going to have to go be with her.” My heart nearly stopped beating. Testprepwell Then the Microsoft 70-533 Dumps boy looked at me again Learnguidepdf and said, “I told my Daddy to Learnguidepdf tell Microsoft 70-533 Dumps my Mama 70-412 exam questions not to go yet. I told him to tell her Microsoft 70-533 Dumps to wait till I got back from the store.” Then he asked me if i wanted to see 70-346 exam questions his picture. 70-412 exam questions I told him I’d Microsoft 70-533 Dumps love to. He pulled out some picture he’d had taken Cisco 300-070 pdf 70-346 exam questions at the front of the store. He said, “I want 70-346 exam questions my Mama to Learnguidepdf Microsoft 70-533 Dumps take this with her so the dosen’t ever forget me. I love my Mama so very much and I wish she dind not have to leave me.But Testprepwell Daddy says she will need to be with my Cisco 300-070 pdf sister.” I saw that the little boy had lowered his head and had grown Cisco 300-070 pdf so qiuet. While he Learnguidepdf was not looking I reached into my purse Testprepwell and pilled out a handful of bills. I asked the little boy, “Shall we Cisco 300-070 pdf count that miney one more time?” He grew excited 70-412 exam questions and said, “Yes,I just know it has to be enough.” So I slipped my money Microsoft 70-533 Dumps in with his and we began Microsoft 70-533 Dumps to count it . Of course it was plenty for the doll. He softly said, Cisco 300-070 pdf “Thank 70-412 exam questions you Jesus for giving me enough money.” Then the 1Z0-062 study guide pdf boy said, “I Testprepwell just 70-412 exam questions asked Jesus to give me enough 1Z0-062 study guide pdf money to buy this doll so Mama can take Testprepwell Testprepwell it with 1Z0-062 study guide pdf her to give my sister. And he heard my prayer. I wanted Testprepwell to ask him give for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but I didn’t ask him, Learnguidepdf but he gave 70-346 exam questions me enough to buy the doll 70-346 exam questions and a rose for my Mama. 70-346 exam questions Microsoft 70-533 Dumps She 1Z0-062 study guide pdf loves white rose so much. “In a few minutes the Microsoft 70-533 Dumps 70-412 exam questions aunt came Microsoft 70-533 Dumps back and Testprepwell I wheeled my cart away. I could Learnguidepdf not keep from thinking about the little boy as I finished my shoppong in 70-412 exam questions a ttally different spirit than when I had started. And Testprepwell I 70-346 exam questions kept remembering a story I had seen Learnguidepdf in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk Testprepwell driver hitting a car and killing7 a 70-412 exam questions little girl and the Mother was in serious condition. The family 70-346 exam questions was deciding on whether to Testprepwell remove the life support. Now surely this little boy 70-346 exam questions did not belong with that story.Two days later I read in the paper where the family had disconnected Learnguidepdf the life support and the young woman had Learnguidepdf died. I could not forget the little boy Learnguidepdf and just kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I 1Z0-062 study guide pdf could not help myself and I went out and bought aome white roses and took them to the 70-412 exam questions funeral home where the yough woman was .And there 70-346 exam questions she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, thier life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sisiter and his mother was overwhel. And in a split8 1Z0-062 study guide pdf second a drunk driver had ripped9 the life of that little boy to pieces.

Avaya Holdings Corp. opened its annual Avaya ENGAGE conference, Jan. 20-23, for the world’s largest community of contact center and unified communications users, and introduced new innovations to simplify and enhance converged business communications. Among the announcements, the company is unveiling a simplified branding architecture for its solutions portfolio, based on input from customers and partners, that reflects the wealth of experience Avaya brings to bear for customers as they transform digitally and move their communications to the cloud.

Avaya Intelligent Xperiences – or Avaya IX – encompasses the entire portfolio of solutions for Contact Center, Unified Communications and Collaboration, and conveys the convergence of business communications to an intelligent platform underpinned by customer-led innovation. The product families within the Avaya IX portfolio include:

Avaya IX Digital Workplace:


Avaya IX Digital Contact Center:

Workforce Engagement

Avaya IX Mobility

Call deflection to digital
Identity management

Artificial intelligence (AI) innovation spans the Avaya IX portfolio, including bots for virtual assistance, conversational intelligence enabling real-time transcription and intent detection, and intelligent pairing for greater customer and agent optimization.

Additionally, the Avaya IX portfolio of communications solutions is available across multiple UCaaS and CCaaS cloud deployment options, including public, private and hybrid as part of the Avaya OneCloud platform. Avaya OneCloud provides organizations of all sizes the full elasticity, security and reliability they need for an easy migration to cloud communications that meets their specific requirements at their own pace.

The company is also introducing a new private cloud delivery model of its Avaya OneCloud solutions for Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS), providing enterprise organizations with a convenient, seamless path to the benefits of cloud communication; plus a cloud offering for workforce engagement enabling employees to drive extraordinary customer and business outcomes. 

“We are committed to a customer-led approach to innovation that enables Avaya users to provide experiences that matter for customer and workforce engagement, and this includes our comprehensive cloud communications portfolio across all business segments,” CEO Jim Chirico told the 2,500 customers, partners and industry influencers in attendance at the conference. “We’ve heard from you the need for flexibility and options for solutions delivered via public, private or hybrid cloud. Our customers have told us they are looking for simple, comprehensive solutions for contact center, unified communications and collaboration from a single, trusted partner.”

As a leader in the convergence of business communications, the company is also addressing one of the biggest opportunities for improved collaboration by expanding its cloud-native application ecosystem with the availability of an integrated Slack app for Avaya communication platforms. Avaya’s open and agile ecosystem continues to extend the innovation and application integration available to its customers from a wide range of technology leaders sharing Avaya’s vision.

Avaya continues to deliver on its promise to lead in innovation with its ever-growing community of artificial intelligence partners, the Avaya A.I. Connect ecosystem. The company’s integration partners include Salesforce, Afiniti, Verint, Nuance, Cogito, Versay, Scoredata, eGain and new partners Knowmail and over.ai.

“Our innovation efforts are directed and informed by what customers are telling us they need to advance their digital transformation initiatives,” Chirico noted. “We are successfully bringing many new AI solutions to market today because they are tangibly improving productivity, creating new revenue and transforming the customer experience.”

The company announced new customers implementing its Avaya IX Mobility solution to accelerate the digital transformation of their contact centers, enhance smartphone interactions, drive down costs, and deliver better customer experiences. Avaya IX Mobility is a consumption-based cloud offering that identifies when an incoming call originates from a mobile device, transports contextual information on the caller to the contact center, and enables selected calls to be deflected to the mobile web for a mobile application-enriching digital customer service experience.

Another highlight at Engage 2019 is Avaya’s Loyalty2gether program. Designed to help customers migrate to a digital platform, the Loyalty2gether program makes it easy and cost-effective to upgrade to the latest Avaya unified communication solutions with flexible options for cloud, premise, and hybrid installations.

Additionally, the company is announcing unprecedented, life-saving device location reporting capabilities that are now available as part of Avaya communications solutions for emergency response management, providing real-time information that can help make the difference in life or death situations.

Avaya ENGAGE, hosted by Avaya and the International Avaya Users Group (IAUG), is the premier event for the future of communications experience and its impact on digital transformation. Avaya ENGAGE 2019 brings you four days of general sessions, workshops, and breakouts; inspirational and informative speakers; and content experts to drive and enhance your digital transformation journey.