New Taxi Booking website – dispatches taxi in 20 minutes:, an application developed by Cloud EPA, is Bengaluru’s free online taxi booking service that directly integrates with local market place – Operators, Drivers and the Passengers. Passengers can book from the Web or their mobile phone, plus the ability to track the arrival of their taxi while drivers get to track and accept request using an SMS.
The application was an initiative from the Entrepreneur Ganesh Srinivas’s own experience as Sr. IT Sales consultant, how difficult it was to get the taxi booked last minute – especially the out station and always wished a better way to get things done.
He says, “While our competition mainly caters to type of vehicle, Our USP is swiftness and consistency. Calling a Cab becomes easier and reliable with application, consumers can order a taxi online directly and would process through the dispatch system, having more control over the designated driver process and eliminating any hold times. Customers can book as late as 20-30 mins just when they actually want their ride and can still get things done for you. At the same time we promote quality, clean and safe passenger experience. Our work schedule for our Drivers is max of 12 hrs. per day, even for the outstation trips. On the day of our start, we are networked with 120 Drivers. itvoice
Customers don’t have to call – they just download app or visit our website and finish the booking or simply email at [email protected] and booking will be automatically placed in less than 5 five mins. In addition to the automated, personally managed reservation process, consumers can track the status of their taxi en route, with the application highlighting the car number and driver’s name, providing an additional level of assurance. The application also provides fare estimates and allows mobile payment with a credit card, keeping the card in the consumer’s wallet and eliminating the need to stop at an ATM.