Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and its rising significance in the effective functioning of Interconnection Platform for the gaming industry – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and its rising significance in the effective functioning of Interconnection Platform for the gaming industry

Mr. Sudhir Kunder, Country Director, DE-CIX

What is the Border Gateway Protocol?

A network is made up of two or more computers that communicate with one another, whereas internet work is made up of multiple networks. To keep data and traffic flowing smoothly, networks communicate at an Interconnection Platform like DE-CIX. There are some ground rules called ‘Protocols’ laid that bring everyone on the same page.

All Interconnection Platforms use Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to communicate with each other. When used in connection with Peering, the BGP router selects the shortest route to transmit data. However, though BGP is the routing protocol that connects the internet, delivery of seamless services to the end consumer depends on peering. In India, DE-CIX is the Largest Provider of Peering services.

Advantages of the Interconnected Gaming Industry

a) Lower Latency:

The gaming industry is evolving at a rate no one ever imagined. Since multiplayer gaming & streaming games are done in real-time, it is essential to maintain minimum latency. The demand for lesser latency has skyrocketed in the past few years, making latency the new currency.

Reduced latency is one of the most significant benefits that the Interconnected Platform using BGP has provided to gamers in India and around the world. As gaming data is prioritised and bypasses general internet traffic, delivering data via the fastest route.

b) Secured Gaming:

Most games today use Cloud-Based Technology to save the player’s progress in using login credentials. Also, games today have in-app purchases that enhance your gaming experience. The player’s credentials & transactions are made safe by BGP, as the data travels the shorter path reducing the chance of data breach, IP hijacking, Hacking and other malicious activities. BGP plays a significant role in the efficient functioning of the Interconnection Platform that makes secured gaming a reality.

c) Infra Availability:

As gaming evolves and multiplayer games improve, players, look for other players all over the world. However, by changing their Dedicated Server or Interconnected Data Centres, one can choose a dedicated region to find teammates or opponents.

Interconnection Platforms like DE-CIX have brought the most distant server to the nearest possible location. If a game is being hosted on a server in Germany and a player in Mumbai wants to join the session, they can now do so with a few clicks because all Interconnection Platforms follow BGP. This has not only made the existing experience more rapid, but it has also enabled gamers to participate in online cross-national tournaments.


The importance of digital infrastructure will rise as the demand for low latency becomes ubiquitous in the modern world. The increasing demand for lower latency necessitates the placement of Interconnection Services as close to gamers, end users and businesses as possible.

Interconnection Platforms such as DE-CIX are the most widely used and dependable in India for connecting with International Gaming Platforms and Content Providers. Networks are the safest because all of our Points of Presence (POPs) are located within Data Centres.

Interconnection Platform allows multiple traffic routes, providing redundancy. This ensures that traffic is delivered in the event of an outage. Gaming traffic is prioritised, so gaming services are not interrupted by other traffic.

BGP has grown in importance in the gaming industry over the last decade and will only continue to do so. A Single-Access-Port Interconnection Platform such as DE-CIX provides gamers with Internet Exchange and Cloud Exchange that is fast, robust, resilient, secure and flexible.

We are future-ready to meet these needs. We Make Interconnection Easy Everywhere. Anywhere.

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