IT Voice February 2016 Edition

[book id=’89’ /] Real Failure and the Secret of Success There is a small story of a young reporter who was commissioned to interview an old and successful businessman. “Sir,” he asked

IT Voice January 2016 Edition

[book id=’88’ /] Clean India Green India -2020 Cleanness gives you more Margins “Even after 68 years of independence, more than 80 per cent of the sewage does not get treated and

IT Voice December 2015 Edition

[book id=’86’ /]   Ways to be a Better Manager Being a manager is tough. You’re constantly in meetings, putting out fires, and dealing with people and projects competing for your attention. 

IT Voice Magazine November 2015

[book id=’84’ /] 6 steps on building a startup and being a successful entrepreneur. Despite the rush in every academic institution to offer more courses on entrepreneurship, I still haven’t found it

IT VOICE October 2015 Edition

[book id=’82’ /] Why Judge Someone By Their Appearance One beautiful spring day a Pink rose blossomed in a forest. Many kinds of trees and plants grew there. As the rose looked

IT Voice September 2015 Edition

[book id=’80’ /]   Two small stories for turn your weaknesses into Strengths First : 11- year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left

IT Voice August S-1 2015

[book id=’77’/] Priority first for managing projects, second time You’re too busy for all that time management jazz. You prioritize in your head—who has time to make silly lists? And you’ve tried to block

IT Voice August 2015

[book id=’76’/]   Three Corporate Time Traps   I always love to be on time, whether it’s an appointment or a meeting. Recently a friend of mine asked me an interesting question,

IT Voice July 2015

[book id=’75’ /] Tracking Your Time The only way to improve your time management skills is to learn from and understand your current time management habits. This process simply involves carrying around

IT Voice May Premium 2015

[book id=’72’/] Leadership- Lead by Example, Not by Extortion ” If your actions inspire others to dream more,  learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” This is the

IT Voice May 2015

[book id=’71’ /]   Time Management-Prioritization Do you ever experience this situation in life?  When you step into office, the desk is filled with memos and papers, suddenly you hear the phone

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