IT Voice February 2018

Budget 2018 is a Booster for Infrastructure Industry The budget does seem to have some promising measures and provisions for the Indian tourism and hospitality industry that has emerged as one of

IT Voice January 2018

Economic Development of a Country In modern times, State participation in economic activity can hardly be a matter of disagreement. The free play of economic forces, even in highly developed capitalist countries,

IT Voice December 2017

Big Profit Shown in Crypto Currency A crypto currency (or Known currency BitCoin) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions,

IT Voice November 2017

[book id=’121′ /] POWER OF TESTIMONIALS When you big up your own sale, services or product, people can be very sceptical – and rightly so. It’s easy for us to say great


IT Voice October 2017

[book id=’120′ /]   Business growth on Festival India is the land of festivals, cultural fairs and holistic seasonal congregations. The country celebrates a wide range of delightful events passionately and spiritually

IT Voice September 2017

[book id=’118′ /] Turn your side- hustle into a success story thru Digital. In today scenario 4×7 based work and earning will help you to get success. Passions go well beyond our

IT Voice August 2017

[book id=’117′ /] E-commerce has changed the Business Style of SMB Owners Internet & Smart Phone are new-age revolution, They changed the lives across the world enabling them to lead a highly

IT Voice July 2017 Edition

[book id=’116′ /] Welcome GST:  “GST will change the way India does business,and  IT business boost after ‘GST.” “GST is a game changing reform that is widely awaited. It has the potential

IT Voice June 2017 Edition

[book id=’115′ /] “GST” Golden SALEs/Service Time in IT Sector GST is purported to bring in the ‘one nation one tax’ system, but its effect on various industries will be slightly different.

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