IT Voice May 2017 Edition

[book id=’114′ /] Essential Elements for an Efficient Business People, Process, Power are also important to your success. Master of the art of management. The success of a business is not a


IT Voice April 2017 Edition

[book id=’113′ /] Appreciation of Work I was joyful the day IT Voice was endowed with its third consecutive award for its development and awareness work in Rajasthan and Delhi, NCR. It


IT Voice March 2017 Edition

[book id=’111′ /] Software Piracy in India Software Piracy needs no introduction. Software piracy is unauthorized/ illegal, using copying or distribution of software. This may also include the unauthorized use of software

IT Voice February 2017 Edition

[book id=’110′ /] GST and its Impact on the IT Sector GST is about to get implemented and it is one of the most promising taxation bills that will transform the course

IT Voice January 2017 Edition

[book id=’103’/] Employee Integrity What is Employee Integrity? Is it just the truthfulness, loyalty, reliability, veracity of an employee? Or it is the dedication the employee puts in to see the development

IT Voice December 2016 Edition

[book id=’100′ /]  MANAGEMENT – Manage the Man Tactfully This word can be described in three parts i.e. to “Manage the Man Tactfully”. Process and functions of management, Principles of management, Evolution of


IT Voice November 2016 Edition

[book id=’98’ /] Demonetization of Indian Currency The demonetization of the Indian 500 and 1000 rupees currency, dragged my attention towards the pros and cons that it is about to bring to

IT Voice October 2016 Edition

[book id=’97’ /] Time, money and entrepreneur Now, the actual work has begun and your office is flooding with lots of work and papers. But somehow bills have managed to go unpaid,

IT Voice September 2016 Edition

[book id=’96’ /] New network 4G in India Recent developments by India’s telcos suggest they are beginning to focus more on bringing 4G wireless technology to the country, possibly by next year.

IT Voice Magazine August 2016

[book id=’95’ /] Difference between a Start-up and a Regular Small Business What is the difference between a start-up and a regular small business? The words start-up, entrepreneur and small business are

IT Voice July 2016 Edition

[book id=’94’ /] Time Management Secrets known by People You can’t manage time, you can only manage yourself. There are 24 hours in each day. You can’t change that. As long as

IT Voice June 2016 Edition

[book id=’93’ /] Risks management plan for your business The process of identifying risks, assessing risks and developing strategies to manage risks is known as risk management. A risk management plan and

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