Lava has officially launched its new budget smartphone, the Iris 406Q, in India at Rs. 7,499. Earlier the device was listed on company’s website on Wednesday. Notably, The Lava Iris 406Q was also listed
January 12, 2025
January 12, 2025
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Lava has officially launched its new budget smartphone, the Iris 406Q, in India at Rs. 7,499. Earlier the device was listed on company’s website on Wednesday. Notably, The Lava Iris 406Q was also listed
Apple iWatch, the rumoured wearable device by the Cupertino firm, is being predicted to arrive in two sizes and with a hefty price tag of ‘several thousand US dollars’. KGI Securities analyst
A confounding computer bug called “Heartbleed” is causing major security headaches across the Internet as websites scramble to fix the problem and Web surfers wonder whether they should change their passwords to
A new report claims that Google has started dogfooding Android’s next build, believed to be dubbed version 4.4.3 (codenamed KitKat MR2), outside Android’s core team. Android Police, citing sources suggests that Android
With AMD 2nd generation GCN technology, the card optimizes DirectX® 11.2 gaming performance up to 2.5 times faster, 4.5 times computer performance and 95% lower GPU Idle Power Consumption. Enhances stability in
The solution to enhance customer experience and service differentiation for mobile data plan Mumbai and Dubai, 9 April, 2014 Elitecore Technologies, a leading provider of Integrated Policy, Charging and Revenue Management solutions
Samsung has quietly launched the Galaxy S3 Neo smartphone in India. The Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo is now listed at Rs. 26,200 on company’s online store. However, there is no word on
The new Galaxy S3 Neo+, which was speculated to be launched soon in India, has now been listed on Samsung’s official website. The company is yet to make a formal announcement, but
CNN-IBN and IBN7 (a part of the Network18 conglomerate) have gained a reputation for leadership in election programming, robust analysis and credible and accurate projection of likely outcomes. In a first-of-its-kind partnership
KL University today announced that it has selected HP Converged Cloud solutions to enhance research capability through increased IT availability, efficient utilization of its IT infrastructure and to drive employability for its
Scientists have developed a computer algorithm that predicts whether a photo will go viral on Facebook by watching how fast it is shared. Stanford researchers said the clues to predicting which of Inc launched a new product named Amazon Dash on Friday that allows the user to add groceries and household goods to their shopping lists using the company’s AmazonFresh service. A black-and-white