Lenovo on Tuesday launched the Vibe Z smartphone for the Indian market at Rs. 35,999, which it had first revealed back in November. The Vibe Z will be available later this month
January 11, 2025
January 11, 2025
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Lenovo on Tuesday launched the Vibe Z smartphone for the Indian market at Rs. 35,999, which it had first revealed back in November. The Vibe Z will be available later this month
LG has finally officially revealed the LG G2 Mini, by posting a teaser image on its Facebook page, which depicts objects in pairs, one big, and one small. The last of the
The head of Google-owned Motorola, Dennis Woodside, announced Thursday he is leaving the smartphone maker to become chief operating officer at the online storage firm Dropbox. The news comes just two weeks
India has approved the setting up of semiconductor wafer plants, commonly known as fab units, by two consortia costing a total of Rs. 63,410 crores. India, which wants local production of chips
HP has finally released its two Android-based voice-calling devices, the Slate6 VoiceTab and HP Slate7 VoiceTab for the Indian market. The HP Slate6 VoiceTab phablet has been priced at Rs. 22,990, and
HTC on Friday hosted an AMAA (Ask Me Almost Anything) on Reddit with its North America product management team. While the team did not answer questions of upcoming products and service issues,
Although Samsung is yet to officially launch the Galaxy Grand Neo, the alleged pricing for the device has been tipped already. According to tweet by a Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom, the smartphone
Broadcom has revealed two LTE-enabled SoCs, the dual-core M320 and quad-core M340, right after the announcement of MediaTek’s “first true octa-core” LTE-enabled SoC. The two Broadcom LTE-enabled chips are pin-to-pin compatible, which
Technology giant IBM has started a restructuring process, which would see as many as 15,000 jobs being cut globally, including India, Brazil and the European region. “The estimate of jobs cut globally
Micromax has expanded its Canvas range, with the launch of the Canvas Elanza smartphone. The latest smartphone from Micromax is now listed on the company’s online store at Rs. 8,900. However, there
Looking to meet women, 20-year-old US college student Leland turned to mobile phone app Tinder, after a friend told him about his own successful exploits. Leland’s results were mixed: he was matched
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