Xiaomi at its Thursday event has launched its first tablet in India, the MiPad, priced at Rs. 12,999. The company on Thursday also launched the successor to the Redmi 1S, the Xiaomi
January 8, 2025
January 8, 2025
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Xiaomi at its Thursday event has launched its first tablet in India, the MiPad, priced at Rs. 12,999. The company on Thursday also launched the successor to the Redmi 1S, the Xiaomi
Three Indian-Americans who won medals in the Intel Science Talent Search 2015, America’s oldest and most prestigious pre-college science and math competition, met President Barack Obama at the White House with other
Apple at its Spring Forward event on Monday unveiled its Apple Watch wearable that will be available for pre-order starting April 10 and in stores on April 24. The company however missed
Exactly a year after Olympus introduced its stylish compact camera Stylus SH-1, the camera manufacturer has gone ahead and launched its successor the Stylus SH-2. The Olympus Stylus SH-2 is not too
Education startup Metis Learning, in partnership with Cartoon Network Enterprises (CNE), on Wednesday launched the Creativity Tablet and Ben 10 Tablet for children under its Eddy brand at Rs. 8,999 and Rs.
announced the Dual USB Drive with a USB Type-C connector earlier this month, ahead of Apple’s launch of the 12-inch MacBook with a USB Type-C port, popular storage device maker LaCie has
Samsung at an event in Sao Paulo on Tuesday announced the successor of the Galaxy Win Duos, the Galaxy Win 2 Duos with 4G LTE support. The smartphone is available in the
Micromax’s Yu Yureka smartphone will be available on Thursday in its ninth flash sale that kicks off at 2pm IST on Amazon India for registered users. Yu, unlike several previous sales, had
Amazon is set to launch the Kindle Voyage ebook reader in India. NDTV Gadgets has learnt that the Wi-Fi only version of the Kindle Voyage will be priced at Rs. 16,499, while
Huawei earlier this month launched its first smartwatch at MWC 2015, a premium Android Wear offering, without revealing details about price and availability. Now, price details of the Huawei Watch have surfaced
The HTC Desire 820s, first announced in November, will be launching soon in India at Rs. 24,990, as per an established retailer. Mumbai-based mobile retailer Mahesh Telecom on Wednesday claimed that the
HTC will make a “huge announcement” this month, says company’s American wing President, Jason Mackenzie. In an interview with Business Insider at MWC 2015, Mackenzie suggested that company will announce something big