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Computer Troubleshooters Educates Their Clients About The End Of Microsoft’s XP Operating System

imwvr1dqz8zbrqqx_400Computer Troubleshooters is using the end of Microsoft’s XP operating system’s lifecycle as an opportunity to educate their clients through a program of information sharing and support services. Computer Troubleshooters recently kicked off an educational campaign to inform their client base about current IT strategies and migration plans prior to the April 8, 2014 XP deadline.

microsoft-xp-to-retireI was surprised when I read the recent survey statistics on the number of business owners who are unaware of the end of Microsoft’s XP operating system. Unfortunately, many business owners seem uninformed about the consequences of their inaction in regards to upgrading their operating system,” stated Halli Evans, Director of Marketing for Computer Troubleshooters.

On April 8th, the XP operating system ends its lifecycle which means Microsoft will no longer provide automatic fixes, upgrades, security updates or free assisted online technical support. IT security and compliance are the two most critical issues facing the business community with the closure of the XP operating system. On ‘zero day,’ there is a strong likelihood that malicious viruses will be unleashed leaving undefended computers immobilized and viruses spreading quickly over the net to PCs still operating on XP. Businesses that do not upgrade their out-of-date XP operating system can face serious compliance issues such as the suspension of certification and/or public notification regarding the enterprise’s inability to securely maintain its systems and customer information.

Evans added, “Computer Troubleshooters is taking action with an active campaign of newsletters, blog posts, webinars and promotional offerings to educate our clients about the ramifications of the XP situation. We don’t want any of our clients to be uninformed about this issue and their options.

Computer Troubleshooters now has over 356 franchises worldwide in more than 28 countries. Each office is equipped to help local clients with an array of services ranging from contracted managed service solutions, upgrades, back-up systems and cloud services to installation and repairs. Computer Troubleshooters IT professionals can help both business owners and residential customers with a migration plan prior to the April 8th deadline.

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