Vikas Gupta- Please tell us About Your Newly launched Product And Services.
Mr. Sandeep Chawda- Clarice Technologies specializes in providing User-Centered Design and cutting-edge UI development services under one umbrella to product companies. We take pride in engaging with product companies who consider User Experience as an important part of their competitive strategy.
We have designed & developed exemplary user experiences for 100+ products with a healthy mix of enterprise and consumer produts, for start-ups as well as large multinational enterprises ( Adobe, Corel, Cisco, LSI, McAfee, MakeMyTrip, Nokia,VMware etc.).
We have a very strong specialization on User experience for the product eco-system on both the desktop/web as well as smartphone/tablet platforms. We have deep rooted expertise in designing and developing super intuitive and performant products for various domains including Datacenter and Storage, Cloud-bigdata and Analytics, Banking and Finance, Social and E-Commerce and emerging areas like Internet of Things.
Vikas Gupta – What kind of distribution network you are planning?
Mr. Sandeep Chawda- As part of the customer acquisition strategy for Clarice Technologies, we are primarily relying on a three pronged approach.:
1) Referrals from our happy customers. This has been the primary source of customer acquisition of Clarice so far. We have a 100% ratio of customer satisfaction and they have been more than happy to refer us to other clients who are looking out for this much sought after skills and capabilities.
2) Sales team in USA : We have started establishing and growing our sales presence in the USA. We have Anup Mehta as our president and head of our US operations. Anup has an impressive track record of seeding and establishing such teams for companies like Mindtree and Wipro earlier. We have also set up our office in TIE’s incubation center in Santa Clara and hope to leverage the TIE network going for strong partnerships with emerging product companies.
3) Marketing push : We understand that there is tremendous demand for the integrated design and technology development services in the product eco system. We are aiming at being able to take our value proposition pitch to more and more people in this eco-system by using various marketing avenues in the online media.
Vikas Gupta – What kind of market verticals are you targeting to further push success for Clarice in India?
Mr. Sandeep Chawda- While the services offered by Clarice are largely Domain agnostic, we think the following areas will act as growth catalyst for Clarice in the times to come:
1) Software defined Data Centers: These are seemingly the next wave of evolution in the Cloud based Infrastructure offerings. SDDC is essentially a platform for dynamically provisioning, configuring and managing the compute, networking and storage resources for various applications and services. Needless to say that when you have to do all this, the importance of the management layer towards making the offering very simple and easy to use is enormous. Plays to our core skills and advantage.
2) Internet of Things: This is again a new evolutionary wave wherein the internet is extending to billions of new devices going beyond computers and phones to include mobile assets, controllers, smart sensors, microprocessors and micro controllers. Trends indicate that this is finding a lot of traction in home automation ( smart lighting, room temperature control, water heaters, etc), smart body ( Nike fuel band, Jawbone activity tracker, etc) and smart connected cars. Product engagement calls for extensive design and development experience on different devices, both web and mobile with emphasis on user experience.
3) Data Visualization in BigData Analytics: Big data is creating unprecedented opportunities for businesses to achieve deeper, faster insights that can strengthen decision making, improve the customer experience, and accelerate the pace of innovation. But today, most big data yields neither meaning nor value. Businesses are overwhelmed by the amount and variety of data and they struggle just to store the data much less analyze and interpret it. Visualization-based data discovery tools provide an immense opportunity not only to manage the growing volume, variety, and velocity of new and existing data but also to turn that data into value. This requires harmonization of several skills sets and ways of thinking: conceptual, analytic, statistical, graphic design, programmatic, interface-design — plus a bit of ‘gut feel’ – all core skills at Clarice.
4) Customer centric Digital Marketing: This is another area gaining lots of ground with the surge in online purchases. At a high level, to begin with it involves providing behaviorally targeted, totally personalized display advertising to effectively attract, convert and nurture high value consumers. It then extends to re-targeting site and cart abandoners to drive immediate conversion and re-engaging consumers to drive repeat purchases, cross-sell, up-sell, etc.
Vikas Gupta – Do you have near term plans to collaborate with channel partners in India to ensure the Services availability for common masses?
Mr. Sandeep Chawda- No.
Vikas Gupta – What are some of the points where Clarice Products And Services score over the competing forces in India as well as globally?
Mr. Sandeep Chawda- Clarice is one of the only companies in India to provide an Integrated mix of Top notch design capabilities and deep rooted technology capabilities for the Product eco-system across a spectrum of platforms and domains.
Clarice has a unique ratio of 2 designers for every 3 developers which nurtures our core philosophy of Design led Innovation and gives us huge competitive differentiation.
Vikas Gupta – How do you differentiate from your competitors?
Mr. Sandeep Chawda- Design led Innovation is a very strong differentiation we have today:
We offer upfront product storyboarding to define and shape the product offering before writing a single line of code.
Story boarding requires a unique combination of art and science of building user centered designs effectively backed by a proven design process institutionalized at Clarice.
This is very useful for Product management to do customer validations, Sales for showcasing the product roadmap and Engineering as a detailed requirement specification.
Vikas Gupta – What is the big focus of Clarice today? What are some of the top priorities for Clarice in India?
Mr. Sandeep Chawda- Design led Innovation will continue to be the big focus at Clarice.We are making sure everyone at Clarice is aligned to this focus and we nurture talent in the right areas to enable us to achieve the objectives for our customers.