1 min read

Fortinet Quote for Data Privacy Day

Vishak Raman, Vice President of Sales, India, SAARC and southeast Asia at Fortinet

“A total of 5.07 billion people around the world use the internet today, as internet users continue to grow there is still education and work to be done in the realm of data protection. How data is created, shared, processed, and stored today, or the volume of personal data that exists for virtually every human being on earth, there simply cannot be any data privacy without good data security.

The goal of Data Privacy Day is twofold – every user should understand that they have the right and power to protect and manage their personal data, while organizations understand why it is important to protect and safeguard their customers data and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Data Privacy Day is a reminder to every organization that accesses personal data to evaluate its IT security infrastructure. IT security solutions should be able to effectively communicate, regardless of where they have been deployed, to optimally protect data and provide network-wide visibility. The network must also include sophisticated data protection measures such as threat prevention and detection, pseudonymization of PII, and internal segmentation to isolate attacks and track customer data.

Every organization must have a documented and tested data breach response planto be prepared for existing data privacy regulations or others on the near horizon.”

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