GitHub is home to thousands of software communities, from open source projects to enterprises, from small teams to the largest organizations. This year’s Satellite, GitHub’s first virtual conference, is all about giving communities tools to come together to solve the problems that matter to them and removing barriers that stand in their way.
Earlier this year, GitHub made GitHub free for teams to ensure cost isn’t a barrier for teamwork on GitHub. The company expanded GitHub Sponsors to more than 30 countries to help developers make a living from open source. GitHub launched GitHub for mobile, which has already helped hundreds of thousands of developers collaborate on the go. GitHub also brought npm to the GitHub family to support the largest developer ecosystem in the world.
This week, GitHub launched four new products to help all software communities work together:
GitHub Codespaces
A complete dev environment within GitHub that lets developers contribute immediately
GitHub Discussions
A new way for software communities to collaborate outside the codebase
Code scanning and secret scanning
Helping communities on GitHub produce and consume more secure code
GitHub Private Instances
Collaboration even for stringently regulated customers