Google Fixes Gmail After 18 Minute Worldwide Outage – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Google Fixes Gmail After 18 Minute Worldwide Outage

GoogleOn Friday just before 11 am PST, Google’s Gmail went down, leaving millions of users, including business users relying on Google Apps for Business, unable to communicate. Google’s official blog for Gmail also returned a 503 error: indicating it’s only a temporary problem. Google, which first acknowledged the outage at 11:12 am Pacific Time (1912 GMT), said a little over an hour later that the problem with Gmail had been resolved.

Google Inc did not offer an explanation for the outage, which affected users in at least India, Britain and the United States and prompted a sea of complaints on Twitter from users in many more countries. Google+ was also down, affecting YouTube comments which meant that users could not comment and existing comments weren’t loading. Additionally, Hangouts weren’t working on both the web and mobile.

Google Docs, the cloud-based productivity application that competes against Microsoft Corp’s Office suite, also suffered a service disruption.

Meanwhile, Yahoo Inc, that runs a rival Internet mail service, posted a screenshot of the Gmail error page to Twitter. Yahoo later apologized for the same and deleted the tweet.


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