Google Glass App,which Allows Measurement Of Human Emotions! – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Google Glass App,which Allows Measurement Of Human Emotions!

Now your facial expression can say what you are feeling right now with this new eye-wear app.

download (21)ITVoice News: A software has been developed for Google Glass, which allows measurement of human emotions by analysing facial expressions. Developed by a group of German scientists, this software also gauges a person’s age and detects gender.

Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits based researchers adapted SHORE real-time face detection and analysis software which can be worked upon for Google Glass. This app will be the first of this kind. Glass’ integrated camera will help the app detect people’s faces to determine their emotions by analysing the facial expressions. Glassware or Google Glass app also gauges the person’s age and detects gender at the same time. But identity can’t be determined with the app, as told by researchers.

The calculations are performed in real-time by the CPU which is integrated in the eye-wear and the image data never leaves the device. Now this advanced technology gives birth to a new era of smarter eye-wear applications. Now communication aids are also included in these apps for people suffering from disorders like autism. These people can find the missing information in the field of vision with the data glasses. Even a visually impair person can also benefit from the new software by supplementary audio information about people in their surroundings, as told by researchers. The software, as it’s able to determine gender or calculate the age, can also be used in other apps like interactive games and market research analyses.

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