Google Has Launched An Open Source Cloud-Benchmarking Tool, Dubbed PerfKit – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Google Has Launched An Open Source Cloud-Benchmarking Tool, Dubbed PerfKit

Google  launched PerfKit, an open-source cloud-benchmarking tool that, in Google_PerfKitGoogle’s words, is an “effort to define a canonical set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings.” The PerfKit tools currently support Google’s own Compute Engine, Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft’s Azure clouds. Google says it has worked on this project with over 30 researchers, companies and customers, including ARM, Canonical, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, Rackspace and Red Hat.

There are some companies like CloudHarmony which offer cloud performance reports, though Google has pointed out that cloud performance evaluation is not an easy task. These companies use tools like New Relic which help monitor existing installations. But none of these tools are capable to make it clear how the evaluation tests are performed. After the installation process is completed, PerfKit runs around 20 benchmark tests regarding CPU performance, database and network benchmarks.

Google also notes that the tool can also test the end-to-end time and it will provision new resources in the cloud. There is also a visualisation tool, called PerfKit Explorer, which can compare the results. It’s a fantastic move by Google to launch an open source benchmarking tool like PerfKit.

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