Google Indoor Maps now in India – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Google Indoor Maps now in India


From high-end global fashion stores to movie theatres and even supermarkets, Indian malls are rapidly evolving into convenient – yet massive – one-stop entertainment hubs. Starting today, with the release of Indoor Google Maps in India, detailed floor plans for 75 popular indoor venues in India can be accessed on Google Maps with just a few easy swipes.

Indoor Google Maps are like to have an indoor directory in the palm of the hand. Detailed floor plans will automatically appear when one is using the Google Maps app on iOS and Android, and zoomed in on a building where indoor map data is available. Simply zoom out and the indoor Google Maps will fade away.

In some locations, there will be the option of using the indoor My Location feature to help navigate the way inside. Google has worked with partners to bring the My Location feature – previously available in Google Maps for mobile for outdoor spaces – indoors to several venues. Where available, the familiar “blue dot” icon can help indicate the approximate location in order to help easily find the way. This means that when you move up or down a level in a building with multiple floors, the map will automatically update to display which floor you are on.  At these locations, one can also access indoor walking directions to help get to where one needs to go more quickly.

To date, Google has worked with 75 partners across 22 cities in India to bring Indoor Google Maps for top indoor venues, and it looks forward to working with others to continue making Google Maps more useful for people across the country.


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