Google Is All Set To Launch A Stand-Alone Photo Service – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Google Is All Set To Launch A Stand-Alone Photo Service

Google is all set to launch a stand-alone photo service. It is Googleanticipated that the search giant may announce the new tool at Google IO 2015. Being a photo sharing and storage service, the new application will allow its users to share images on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter. If the reports are to be believed, the new tool is not going to be a part of Google+ network.

Owned by Facebook, Instagram enjoys the user base of 300 million users. Apart from photos, the application also allows users to share videos on a variety of social networking platforms. On the other hand, Google had introduced Picasa into the Google+ fold. Released in 2002, Picasa is a stand-alone image editing and sharing service.

Well, it seems that Google is on its way to boost its product lineup and enter the battle against Facebook or Twitter. With an aim to increase its user base, Google’s new photo sharing application (rumoured as Google Photos spinoff) would now enable its users to share their images on social sites. Besides launching the photo service app, Google will also unveil some new features at Google IO 2015 like a new Android OS called Android M, Android for Work and new voice instructions to access Android devices.

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