Google had released its Gmail Inbox in December last year. Since then, the tech firm has been constantly updating its application and services. In a similar move, Gmail has introduced a feature which will enable its users to set up a reminder while they send an email to themselves.
As per a report published in, a pop-up will appear when users enter their own email into the recipient box. The pop-up will apparently ask the users whether they would prefer to set a reminder through the app instead. The text typed inside the mail box is automatically copied on the new Inbox Reminder, once the user clicks on the pop-up. Apparently, users can add the location and the time later.
The newly launched feature by Gmail does not allow users to upload any attachment to Google Drive, when it recognises users mailing it to themselves.
Google which had 425 million users in 2012, now boasts a user base of 900 million. The numbers were revealed at the company’s annual I/O developers conference which was held earlier this year.