HID Global Opens World-Class Design Center In India – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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HID Global Opens World-Class Design Center In India

HID Global®, a worldwide leader in secure identity solutions, today announced the opening of its design center in Chennai, India that enables the company to deliver more comprehensive product development for customers. The design center features 10,000 square feet of R&D facility space in the Tamarai Technology Park.

The state-of-art facility represents a significant investment in HID hid global logoGlobal’s ongoing advancements in delivery performance and product quality. The center will accelerate the development of new features and capabilities for Genuine HID® products and reduce time to market for new products. It also features validation and verification service for all electronic and software products and services.

“The new center in Chennai is a critical part of HID Global’s long term growth strategy in emerging markets. It will also play a vital role in developing key secure identity technologies across HID Global’s business portfolio”, said Darren Learmonth, Global Vice President, Engineering with HID Global.

“Chennai is an ideal location for our new engineering facility due to the software development talent in the region,” said Manish Misra, Center Head India & Senior Director of Engineering with HID Global. “The new design center will also provide us an excellent platform for scaling our operations in order to continually build upon our market leadership position delivering innovative secure identity solutions.”

Fully operational by Q4 2015, the center will primarily focus on government ID, physical access and portal / cloud-based solutions and later will extend capability to embedded, web and mobile application software engineering development. The design center team will closely collaborate with engineering centers in Europe and United States on various development programs as well as customer centric solutions.

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