Hitachi Publishes “Hitachi Integrated Report 2022” and “Hitachi Sustainability Report 2022” – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Hitachi Publishes “Hitachi Integrated Report 2022” and “Hitachi Sustainability Report 2022”

Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) has published “Hitachi Integrated Report 2022” and “Hitachi Sustainability Report 2022” as communication tools for stakeholders.

Hitachi considers the Integrated Report as a tool to mainly disclose Hitachi’s value creation story. The “Hitachi Integrated Report 2022” was created based on our hope to give our stakeholders a better understanding of Hitachi’s vision and create value by encouraging further dialogue.This report describes Hitachi’s future vision, management, and business strategies under the Mid-term Management Plan 2024(1). In addition, the report highlights the measures Hitachi is taking to realize a sustainable society.

The Sustainability Report discloses Hitachi’s approach to sustainability and reports the ESG- related information comprehensively. The “Hitachi Sustainable Report 2022” highlights the specific measures that Hitachi is taking to promote sustainable management under the newly strengthened sustainability management structure.

The key point of these reports is the clarification of six critical issues (material topics) in sustainable management in light of global initiatives and the expectations and needs of stakeholders. The Senior Executive Committee and Board of Directors will further discuss these issues during their meetings, along with the business strategies described in the Mid- term Management Plan 2024.

Hitachi will fulfill its responsibility to stakeholders by disclosing information in a fair and highly transparent manner, and by conducting various communication activities.

Key point of disclosure: Clarification of material topics
Setting out from a comprehensive understanding of social issues, Hitachi has identified 6 material topics and 15 sub-material topics based on an analysis of risks and opportunities from a sustainability perspective as well as feedback from stakeholders.

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