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How Can Hotels Benefit From ERP Solutions

Enterprise resource planning is an essential tool for many companies dealing with supply chain management. It’s easy to associate these digital processes with shipping and warehouse management because they’re used to manage orders from clients, create or source the right goods for that order, and then ship that order efficiently. However, other businesses can take advantage of these ERP business applications. Hotels can thrive with effective ERP tools. Many establishments soon find their own chain of bookings, service creation, and service implementation becomes more customer-friendly and enhances profits.

5 Ways Hotels Can Benefit From Cloud ERP Systems

1)Keeping Everyone On The Same Schedule

A huge benefit of ERP systems in supply chain management is the chance to keep everyone on the same page. Companies can ensure everyone has access to the same information and works to the same standards. This is vital in a hotel with a lot of moving parts. The check-in team and housekeeping need to be on the same page about which rooms are required and when. Restaurant staff need to see the booking for breakfast and dinner. Spa staff need to know what customers need and what’s been paid for in advance.

2) Managing Inventories For Amenities

Inventory management is a key part of many ERP systems, and this has its benefits for hotels too. Every hotel has its checklist of items that need to be available in a room or at reception to keep guests happy. Everything should be readily available for check-in, such as complimentary toiletries and items for the drinks-making facilities. The sooner it’s clear that something is not available, the easier it is to locate it or make substitutions before guests arrive.

3) Keeping Track Of Guests And Bookings

Order management goes hand in hand with inventory management with supply chains, and again, there are parallels with hotels. In this case, it’s all about the bookings for that day, whether it’s people checking in, checking out, or needing fresh supplies for another day. Effective guest management systems can keep track of who’s due to arrive at what time, the rooms they’ve been allocated, and any important information the team needs to know. Staff portals can make it easy for everyone from the reception team to housekeeping to see what’s required that day. Also, the system should show additional bookings for dinner or on-site treatments.

4) Managing Customer Data

When managing bookings and taking care of guests at the hotel, you’re going to end up with a lot of important customer data. In the short term, this will mean information about who’s staying, their contact details for emailing invoices and promotions, and their banking details. Hotel brands that safely store customer information can use this for future marketing and improving membership experiences. Customer feedback data also helps with improvements to the hotel’s operations.

5) Staying On Top Of Finances

Then, there’s the chance to bring all the hotel’s financial information into one system. Tracking finances is important in hospitality to ensure guests aren’t billed twice or overcharged. Shared data across departments can help make this possible and streamline service provision. Shared financial data between the premises of a hotel chain also makes it easier to see how business is across the brand. The data can go to the finance team for future budgeting, filing taxes, and more.

Why Are Cloud ERP Systems Better Than On-Premises?

Once you’ve determined that an ERP system like Dynamics 365 is the way forward for your business applications, you need to decide between a cloud-based or on-premise program. On-premise solutions tend to work well for companies with one central base and a strong IT team. They allow companies to manage everything themselves without third-party interventions.

The problem with this approach is that you are responsible for fixing everything when the server goes down. It can also take much longer to implement a system and train staff this way. Busy hotels with various departments and no focused IT team are going to do a lot better with a cloud option because of the support provided, the stability of the servers, and the scalability of certain plans.

The other benefit of the cloud approach is easier access to data. When everything is sent to the cloud and accessible through user dashboards, staff should be able to access everything they need from a mobile device. They can just log into the system, check the portal, and either track data or make changes as necessary. The ability to do either will depend on the team member’s role and rank, but it should be easy enough to set this up on the system.

This remote mobile access should mean the same system and applications are accessible in different locations. This is perfect for hotel brands with more than one location and managers or financial teams moving between them. It also means that staff who are on location elsewhere, perhaps in meetings with potential clients or dealing with tour packages, can also access what they need.

Why Choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 For This Cloud-Based ERP Solution?

Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based ERP solution with some impressive business applications. This system provides all the tools hoteliers and their staff need to keep the business running smoothly and keep guests happy. The planning tools can help with a more accessible and informative booking system that lets every registered system user see what’s going on. Because this is a Microsoft system, you also get the benefits of a familiar operation and layout, as well as great customer support. Should something fail or a guest’s file go missing, it should be easy enough to locate. Microsoft’s program is available worldwide and in various languages, making it easier to connect with premises within your hotel chain or investors in other countries.

Talk to a local Singapore software provider about the potential of Dynamics 365 for your hotel business applications. They can run through some trials and program information with you, get you set up on the right plan, and be there if you have any questions along the way.

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