HP launched World’s First 3D Scanner Cum 3D Printer – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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HP launched World’s First 3D Scanner Cum 3D Printer

HP launched HP Sprout with which they wished to integrate 3D scanner HP-3D-Printerwith a 3D printer and make the device more attractive and productive at the same time. But HP had no clue that when they were busy making HP Sprout, a startup in Singapore called Blacksmith Genesis from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) was also developing a 3D printer integrated with a 3D scanner.

The product is also named Blacksmith Genesis and it has been showcased at the annual meeting of the American Association Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Jose, California. Blacksmith Genesis allows scanning any object in 3D dimension, edit the scanned model and print it in 3D version too. Separate 3D printers and 3D scanners are nothing new anymore and they are also not very user-friendly, especially for them who are into the nitty-gritty of technologies. So this is the first time a 3D printer and a 3D scanner have been combined into a single user-friendly device.

An original rotary platform in the device is used for printing and scanning objects. The Blacksmith Group has duly applied for a patent on this method of printing and the result is awaited. With the rotary platform, an item can be scanned from all dimensions as it can perform a complete 360 degree scanning. Its resolution is also high and it can print two times better than its counterparts. The device weighs 6 Kg and it has a 5.08-cm (2-inch) LCD display. If you have a scanned object with you, you can directly connect to the printer through a USB or a SD card. The device can also be connected to Wi-Fi. Genesis is also capable of remote live monitoring and automatic error detection through its in-built camera. Users can monitor the device from any corner in the world via Internet.

Well, the device is not economical for obvious reasons with so many benefits. The device will cost Rs 136,000 approximately and the capital has been sourced through crowd-funding in Singapore.

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