IBM Set To Open New Lab In Bangalore – IT Voice | IT in Depth

ibm logoIT giant IBM has been gearing up for a major global expansion. The company has now announced that its has sorted $100 million investment capital to set up a total of eight new laboratories world wide. One of which will be build in Bangalore, Karnataka and will centre around design, mobile and digital marketing.

IBM said, “We will open the new labs in Bangalore, Beijing, Groningen (Netherlands), London, Melbourne, New York, Sao Paulo and Shanghai to provide our clients an opportunity to work with our researchers and consultants on design, data and analytics,” in a statement.

According to a TOI report, it plans to employ nearly 1,000 people in all the new labs across the globe. These aim at helping IBM’s clients in developing personalised models of engagement through the consulting model fusing strategy, data and design. The report said, “the multi-discipline teams in the labs will analyse business challenges and jointly develop solutions that integrate next-generation mobile, social, analytics and cloud technologies.”

Bridget van Kralingen, vice president, IBM global business services said, “The new interactive labs will make multi-discipline experts available to help companies recreate their customer experience. As our clients redefine how they engage with their customers or employees, they discover that the traditional digital agency model has limits. We are closing these gaps by integrating our world-class design and research with our strength in big data.”

IBM’s plans to further expand itself after this huge investment is met with required business, at best possible speed.

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