ICANN 64 | Day 6 – Closing ceremony and Wrap up meet – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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ICANN 64 | Day 6 – Closing ceremony and Wrap up meet

Exclusive Coverage by Tarun Taunk, Chief Editor ITVoice

14th March 2019 marked the last day of the 64th global ICANN meet held at Kobe, Japan and the community held a detailed session on how to evolve and improve ICANN’s ‘Multistakeholder’ governance model. The session was in continuation with last year’s ICANN63 meet where community members were asked for their crucial inputs in improving the work model and impart a more accountable and transparent process execution. ICANN’s Multistakeholder model for governance will be a key consideration in ICANN’s strategic plan for the upcoming financial year 2021-2025.

In addition to this, a cross-community session on Universal Acceptance was also held for the promotion of UA and IDNs services to lay foundation for a multilingual internet. Modern world needs a more secure and even-handed internet which can be accessed easily without worrying about the linguistic or geographic barriers. During the cross-community session, members discoursed about the collaboration of ICANN.org, UASG and community members to better serve the global internet users with improved unique identifier systems.

There were lot many closing ceremonies and wrap up events on this day, including events like At-Large Debrief and Next Steps for ICANN65, GAC and GNSO closing sessions, joint meeting for ICANN board and SSAC, ccNSO meeting and fellowship program wrap, followed by an elaborated ICANN64 Community Wrap-Up Cocktail

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