Authored By Mr. Ram Punamaraju CEO Yitsol technologies.
The business scenario is in constant evolution, empowering customers to access unlimited information at the behest of the omnipotent internet. The digital revolution has ushered in a power from the hands of business heads to the demands of customers as today highly competitive environment provides enough impetus of choice. Hence, a necessity is built for meticulous insights into consumer behaviour, to get an added leverage. Alongside this, the need for a comprehensive system that houses and collates the apt information, channelizing it to the optimal avenues, is what has brought innovations like cloud system into the foray.
The cloud offers a assorted range of varied application- from all-encompassive storage, email & database servers, to servers for gaming and mobile application. For example, if one wants to build a solution for a social problem using artificial intelligence, he/she can get started by incorporating a cloud platform that provides machine learning services. This enables him/her to solve the real challenge rather working on tech logistics
Having effectively percolated into the business landscape, right from SMEs to large corporations, cloud computing has presented huge opportunities for the 21st century entrepreneur. Organizations provide value upon clouds to break molds and work out new rules. This in turn creates new demands amongst consumers and helps organizations carve a niche out in the market.
Given its huge potential for different industries, verticals such manufacturing, railways, banking, retail, education and healthcare are switching to cloud services for optimized reach and performance as well as for elasticity and scalability. Here are the key advantages of opting for cloud services:
1. Flexibility Flexibility is the first advantage that comes to mind while elucidating benefits of any cloud-based system. Cloud-based services are idyllic for organizations with intermittent bandwidth demands as it customizes its services accordingly. If the needs escalate, it’s easy to scale up the cloud capacity, allowed by the service’s remote servers and vice-versa. This provides organizations with untapped advantage over competitors –ranking ‘operational agility’ as a top driver for cloud adoption.
2. Disaster recovery It is imperative for organizations of every size to invest on robust disaster recovery, but due to lack of pertinent capital and knowledge, this vital support is kept at the backseat till the disaster strikes. A cloud-based backup and recovery solutions saves time and money while avoiding large up-front investment and roll up third-party expertise as redundant expenditures.
3. Security Loss of machines often set organization back by crores due to loss of not only the equipment but the sensitive data in it. Cloud computing provides greater security at such situations. Since the data is stored in an parametric environment, only those who have set the parameters can access it, irrespective of what happens to the machine, removing sensitive from lost machines to prevent it from going into malicious third parties.
4. Mobility Lack of mobility is one of the setbacks that organizations are plagued by, as frequent business meetings and plans to move from one nation to other happens regularly. One cannot depend on a dedicated personal to operate cloud as the unavailability of the said person can cause a furore amongst inside management. Owing to the all encompassive and streamlined operations of cloud computing, people accessing require only an internet connection to get access to data, while working upon it. And as most serious cloud services offering mobile apps, this adds to the ease of access.
5. Increased collaboration Often, operations and responsibilities become cumbersome to collate, especially in organizations which are growing by leaps and bounds. An in-tuned effort is required to complete various tasks, in the tightest of time frame. This is where cloud system, with its flexibility and mobility, come of a great help. As teams access, edit and share documents in a streamlined fashion, they get an impulsion to surge ahead with equivocal goals in mind.
Conclusion As companies hasten to join the cloud revolution, it has become vital in exchanging traditional practices with further comprehensive solutions. Cloud computing is proving to be an asset that not only an organization, but the entire industry can safely bank on.