NEW DELHI, 18thJan 2021 – IndiaItChannelslaunches its latest offeringIIC SNIPS–“The tech news HUB “an ICT (Information & Communication Technology)news aggregator app focusing of showcasing industry specific news. In current times there is a vast and extensive collection of news available on the various news portals related to information technology, mobile, security and surveillance. IIC SNIPS cuts through the noise and clutter, providing you with latest news aggregates andrelevant updates to keep you abreast with the latest developments in the industry.IIC SNIPS brings all this information to you through one app.
You can bookmark relevant news to view later or study and identify news based on different categories according to individual interest. Using IIC snips app you can also share important ICT related news with your family, friends and peers via third party app like whatsapp,twitter,etc.
Information Technology has become an integral part of our day to day lives whether you are a consumer using smart phones to interact, connect/engage or a big organization using complex automated systems.