Intel CTO Justin Rattner steps down at 65 – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Intel CTO Justin Rattner steps down at 65

Justin Rattner has stepped down as the CTO of Intel
Justin Rattner has stepped down as the CTO of Intel
Justin Rattner has stepped down as the CTO of Intel

Justin Rattner,  has stepped down from the post chief technology officer and director of Intel Labs.  The company has a policy wherein the person cant serve as coporate officer after the age of 65. Intel Labs will report to Intel President Renée James until further decisions related to its leadership are made.

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich thanked Rattner for his leadership in creating one of the leading research organizations in the high tech industry. Rattner joined Intel in 1973 and was named its first principal engineer in 1979, its fourth Intel Fellow in 1988 and was in the first group of Intel Fellows to be named Senior Fellow in 2001. Rattner has been a prominent keynote speaker at every U.S. IDF since 2005, more than any other presenter to-date. He is a recognized worldwide leader in high-performance computing and is a sought after spokesperson in this field.

Source: Intel newsroom

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