Intel Just Announced World’s Smallest 3G Chip! – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Intel Just Announced World’s Smallest 3G Chip!

ITVoice News: Every manufacturer  is coming up with a smarter product, keeping in mind the users’ demands of all-in-one products. The days are gone when we had multiple devices to perform multiple tasks. Keeping the trend alive, Intel just announced a smart 3G chip. This chip packs an internal 3G modem.

150x150xo09e13449PM8302014.jpg.pagespeed.ic.NUIVCkRRkYIntel XMM 6255 is the smallest 3G modem out there. The chip is 300 square millimeter in size, which is as small as one cent US coin. Intel has packed Intel Power Transceiver Technology in this 3G model chip. Intel Power Transceiver is package of receiver, amplifier, transmission and power management units in one chip. The company has focused in low power consumption and overheating issues in development of this chip.

Intel claims that XMM 6255 can work even in low signal areas without the need of stronger antenna. This chip can be used in smartwatches to provide on board internet connectivity. Intel hasn’t disclosed hardware partners company has worked with in process of development of this chip. This chip could be used in Gear S smartwatch which comes with 3G sim card slot. Many devices can pack this chip to solve internet problem in them. Like, Carbon monoxide monitor and Nest protect smoke uses Wi-Fi to send warnings to smartphone. The need of WiFi can be altered with the help of XMM6255 chip.

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