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Intelics Cloud Expands its Footprint in South India in Collabora7on with STPI

~Addressing the growing demand for hyper-flexible, Indigenous cloud solu=ons in India~

~Offers up to 50,000 server capacity, targe=ng Manufacturing, Tex=le, Engineering, Healthcare, BFSI  and IT sectors among others~ 

~Including Chennai, the facility will cater to business hubs in Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Coimbatore and  Cochin~ 

Intelics Cloud, a growing cloud infrastructure solu7ons provider, today  announced the launch of its second availability zone in Chennai. This expansion marks a significant  milestone in mee7ng the evolving cloud compu7ng needs of Indian enterprises, par7cularly in the  southern region, amidst a rapidly growing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) sector. This ini7a7ve is further  strengthened by a strategic collabora7on with SoHware Technology Parks of India (STPI). The partnership  aims to create a robust ecosystem that will empower businesses across the southern region to leverage  world-class cloud infrastructure. 

Building on the posi7ve response in Western India, Intelics Cloud has iden7fied substan7al poten7al in  South India’s dynamic business landscape. The Chennai facility has service up7me of 99.98% with technical  experts maintaining the data centre 24×7, 365 days. The facility will serve as a hub for the en7re South  Indian region, including Bangalore, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, and Cochin. This state-of-the-art  infrastructure offers various storage op7ons and flexible networking capabili7es to meet diverse business  requirements. The company recognises significant opportuni7es in sectors such as Manufacturing, Tex7le,  Engineering, and IT & ITeS, which are driving the demand for flexible, compliant cloud solu7ons. 

Intelics Cloud‘s expansion addresses cri7cal market needs, par7cularly in data localisa7on and compliance.  Importantly, Intelics Cloud‘s services are fully compliant with the guidelines set by the Ministry of  Electronics and Informa7on Technology (MeitY), aligning with the government’s vision for secure and  robust cloud infrastructure in India. 

Our expansion into South India is not just about growth; it’s about empowering the region’s businesses  with the tools they need to innovate and compete globally. We’re bringing our exper?se in hyper-flexible  cloud solu?ons to sectors that are pivotal to India’s economic future. This facility significantly enhances our  ability to meet the diverse needs of enterprises across various sectors. Partnering with STPI will help us  solidify our commitment to serving the growing cloud compu?ng needs of Indian enterprises,” said the company spokesperson for Intelics Cloud.  

The STPI spokesperson commented on the collabora7on, “STPI is commiGed to fostering technological  growth and crea?ng a robust digital ecosystem in India. MSITS’s associa?on with Intelics Cloud represents  a significant step towards crea?ng a robust, indigenous cloud ecosystem. Together, we’re seJng the stage  for the next wave of digital innova?on in South India.” 

Intelics Cloud‘s offerings provide commitment to hyper-flexibility and indigenous solu7ons, tailored to  address the unique challenges Indian businesses face. The company’s innova7ve approach includes INR  billing, which mi7gates currency fluctua7on risks and enables more accurate financial planning. Intelics  Cloud‘s support for hybrid ecosystems also allows companies to seamlessly integrate on-premises  infrastructure with cloud services, providing a flexible transi7on path for organisa7ons at various stages of  cloud adop7on. As the demand for indigenous, flexible cloud solu7ons con7nues to rise, Intelics Cloud is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of cloud compu7ng in India.

The ‘Right Cloud for the Right Workload’ strategy enables businesses to op7mise their cloud usage based on specific needs, ensuring cost-effec7veness and performance efficiency. By offering these hyper-flexible solu7ons, Intelics Cloud empowers Indian businesses to rapidly adapt to changing market condi7ons, scale resources as needed, and maintain compliance with evolving regula7ons, ul7mately enhancing their compe77veness in the global market.

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