Iris Invests In A Dynamic Future, Unveils New Logo & Website – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Iris Invests In A Dynamic Future, Unveils New Logo & Website

IRIS Computers Limited has recently unveiled its new vishal-soporylogo and website, aligned to the company’s renewed focus and determination to evolve as an efficiency-driven and growth-oriented company that places customer experience and quality business partnerships at the center of its overall business approach.

At the unveiling ceremony, Vishal Sopory, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Iris Computers said, “we have undertaken the re branding exercise to ensure that our new logo symbolizes our strengths gained over one and a half decades of being in business and also reflects our aspirations to sustain the dynamism in future with a renewed focus on rapid growth and expansion”.

He added, “Since InflexionPoint bought a majority stake in the company, we have taken several strides which include about  30% YoY growth. This re branding exercise has been part of the new growth strategy aimed at taking IRIS to new heights”.

Emphasizing the centrality of customer experience and quality business partnerships, Sopory said, “ unmatched customer experience and growing together with our partners will be at the center of our renewed business approach. Also, we commit ourselves to the highest standards of business ethics while aggressively executing our plans to expand our market share”.

Sopory concluded by saying, “this is not just a logo change or website launch event. In fact, the whole re branding exercise

has been an investment in our future”.
Post re branding, IRIS is determined to break new grounds in terms of business expansion and growth.

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