IT Minister Prasad Make Efforts To Get Foreign Investment to Electronics Sector! – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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IT Minister Prasad Make Efforts To Get Foreign Investment to Electronics Sector!

Communication and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad make efforts to get foreign investment to flourish the electronics sector. The minister has gone on board for global roadshow to attract foreign investments in manufacturing units of electronics products. The former UPA government also tried to attract similar benefits but not many players turned up to invest.

150x150xxAkO112342AM992014.jpg.pagespeed.ic.b8IkBaVQEEThis would perhaps result in lowering down India’s dependence on imports. During an Interview with Business Line, Prasad said, “I am going out of my way as a Minister to invite them (global manufacturers)”.

As of now, two approvals have been given for electronics clusters while eight have been principally approved. Prasad said that they are trying to finalize a date this month for the first cluster foundation which will be laid in Madhya Pradesh.

In addition to it for the people to buy domestic products, Minister said that they have made certain provisions in the Budget this year for providing incentives to the companies which will set up manufacturing units. For example, if a company manufactures set-top box in India then it will get rebate on education tax while the importers will not get that benefit.

The other focus lies on Digital India project, which will help in providing online services to people. Prasad said, “India is sitting on the cusp of a big digital revolution. Many Indians can’t read or write, but they know how to use technology.” The other focus area is digital literacy under the ‘Disha’ project. The community service centers will assist in making this project a huge success.

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