IT Voice December 2016 Edition – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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IT Voice December 2016 Edition

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 MANAGEMENT – Manage the Man Tactfully

This word can be described in three parts i.e. to “Manage the Man Tactfully”. Process and functions of management, Principles of management, Evolution of management thoughts, but recent trends is, Management as a profession.

A principle is a fundamental truth about a phenomenon which explains and establishes cause effect relationship. These principles are derived on the basis of observation, experiments, experience and analysis of events. These principles serve as guides to thought and action. A body of interrelated principles dealing with the same subject matter constitutes a theory thus the theory of management consists of a number of principles, duly recognized and systematized and concerned with the management of an organization.

Management principles are universal and are applicable to all types of organization business or non business government or private enterprises.

Management principles are flexible and not rigid. They are capable of adapting to every need. They can be modified as per requirements of the situation and environment, through providing useful guide lines for future course of action

Many management principles are not standardized. They are concerned with human behavior, which is not standardized and is highly unpredictable. So management principles hold good in a large number of situations and need to be modified in specific conditions. That is why the management is regarded as in exact of soft science.

Management principles are not only descriptive but are predictive or normative also

Management principles are equally significant. No principle can be said to have greater importance than the other

Many scholars, philosophers and practioners have contributed to the evolvement of principles of management during 19th and 20th century, but two prominent names among the pioneers are F M Taylor and Henri Fayol.


To build and stand a company it is the “Management” which plays the most important role. Because   it is the Management that provides planning, organization, and direction which are necessary for business operations.In a more important sense, management is a vital function concerned with all aspects of the working of an enterprise.


Management is a two-way traffic. An organization depends upon its employees as much as its employees depend upon it. Like in a music performance, the vocalist is the principal performer. He is followed by instrumentalists. There must be perfect co-ordination and harmony among them. Then alone it can be a successful performance. The singer when accompanied by other instrumentalists forms a group.

This group works in harmony and cohesion. That is perfect management. To give another example there are ten workers. Another man is there as supervisor. It is not simply man-power management and work extraction. There is something more. Each worker is being allotted the work which he will have to complete.

Each individual may do his work well. But the group work alone delivers the goods. Here the supervisor has to play his part. Leadership is required to manage men and a group.

Management is a universal phenomenon:

Management is relevant even to the personal life of an individual. A successful man in any path of life knows how to manage his affairs [i.e.] he is capable of getting the utmost out of his time, money, energy, and social connections.


A student, a business man, a house wife and others know the art of management. Actually management means utilization of group effort. This effort is to accomplish for reaching certain goal.


Management as art and science:

It is an art as well as science.

Management requires creative sense at every stage.

A manager cannot solve a problem with his experience and intelligence only.

New ideas are necessary to solve a problem especially in the affairs of any management.


Science is systematized knowledge, theories, laws, etc. Science is rational and practical approach.

Science requires proof to the point of mathematical precision.

Management has become a body of organized and systematized knowledge.

General principles govern the science of management. Management, as a science, has developed perfect techniques.

So this line proves that Management is “Art as well as Science”.

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