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IT Voice December 2021 Edition

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What does the future hold for Edu-tech companies in 2022, and will it result in faster technology adoption in the education sector? 

As all educational institutions, large and small, embrace a hybrid approach to learning, the Edu-tech or ed-tech industry is currently expanding. The mother of all inventions is need. 

The epidemic has hastened several fundamental developments in global economy that were already underway. It forced the majority of the businesses we are familiar with into the internet platform. Employers began to recognise the value and relevance of working from home and learning from home in the years 2020 and 2021. Learners, on the other hand, learned that upskilling or reskilling is the only way to advance and maintain a long-term profession. 

Furthermore, the change to digital even for degrees, as envisioned in the National Education Policy (NEP 2020), aligns exceptionally well with developing technology, giving me hope that we will eventually see a massive boom in digital use in education. 

Governments all across the world declared complete lockdowns as soon as the Covid-19 outbreak hit. This accelerated the need to move away from brick-and-mortar education and learning and toward digital education and learning. While this stage was originally tough for all parties involved, it marked one of the most significant changes in the history of education worldwide, let alone in our country! 

The year 2021 was marked by change and evolution. In order to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with global trends, it was imperative to implement tech-based education. 

Following are some strategies for creating a better, more technologically sophisticated education environment in 2022, which will place a strong emphasis on higher education as a result of recent legislative changes under the new National Education Policy 2020. 

Career Oriented and Outcome based Learning 

Covid-19’s economic consequences have yet to be thoroughly examined around the world. 

However, the repercussions are more pronounced in terms of unemployment rates, which have risen. As a result, there has been a rapid shift toward online platforms for career-oriented learning, up-skilling, and reskilling. 

Because of the widespread availability of mobile data and the scalability of high-quality learning on digital platforms, better education can be offered across the country. 

People are turning to speedier and more ROI-driven methods of learning the skills and experiences that will help them get work or advance in any industry. Many players have stepped forward to enable our entire population gain access to outcome-based learning, certifications, and even career progression from the comfort of their own town or hamlet! 

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 

In 2022, the importance of AI and Machine Learning in EdTech is expected to increase significantly, including the capacity of these technologies to automate even the most fundamental functions. 

Tarun Taunk


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