Justtrack strengthens Its Presence In Small Cities Small cities taking lead in Media Monitoring – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Justtrack strengthens Its Presence In Small Cities Small cities taking lead in Media Monitoring

Media monitoring and tracking has become a necessity for all justtrackbusinesses whether small or big. Media monitoring is playing a crucial role in communication strategy in every field. Companies are diverting their attention towards smaller cities in addition to metros. A major share of the profits to companies comes from small markets. ‘Justtrack’, has been helping its customers in media monitoring and tracking for 5 years. In view of the changes and commercial position in smaller markets, ‘Justtrack’ strengthens its presence in small cities.

‘Justtrack’ provides you the accurate and crucial information of the market and business through its network of 5 metros and 35 cities in 14 states. The network of ‘Justtrack’ includes a number of big and small cities, making it the strongest network on ground. A team of 75+ professionals provides its customers 24X7 services through 16 TV channels, more than 150 online portals and blogs, more than 476 e-papers, more than 60 newspapers and business magazines being published from 35 cities of 14 states.

Mr. Atul Malikram says, “Today only media coverage isn’t sufficient, but the information of your competitors and analysis of your PR activities is also necessary. Efficient implementation of your strategies requires you to know which plans your competitors are working on. Media monitoring helps you analyse your strategies as well as updates you about the challenges and the most appropriate time to implement your plans. I’m happy that we have the strongest network for media monitoring providing services from even small cities. Justtrack provides media updates 24X7.”

With more than 550 publications, 150 India specific websites and 16 news channels, we at present keep an eye on more than 750 companies, 136 industries and government policies and news and provide regular update at 7 AM. We give users a special log in ID and password on our portal so as to enable them download and share media articles for analysis with their stakeholders. Here they get a database of more than 10, 00,000 articles on leading corporate houses, industries and government policies.

Justtrack now serves a number of industries including Public relations, Marketing, Research and development, government, non-profit, fortune 1000 companies and provides customers the analysis of their media coverage and PR activities in a user-friendly interface. Our ever increasing source list and flexible media monitoring package enables ‘Justtrack’ to work for all budgets. Through software and technology, we create subscriptions for every customer specific to his own requirement and goal.

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