Kaspersky Lab Adds 20+ Patents to its Intellectual Property Portfolio in Q3 2014 – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Kaspersky Lab Adds 20+ Patents to its Intellectual Property Portfolio in Q3 2014

In Q3 2014, Kaspersky Lab took out nearly two dozen technology patents in different countries. Some of the most important are described below.

To effectively combat malicious software Kaspersky Lab experts are kespersky logoconstantly developing new tools that use advanced technology. Some of them are highly specialized, others are used in all products. One of the most interesting developments – the system and method for the dynamic generation of anti-virus databases – forms part of most of the company’s products (the patent was applied for three and a half years ago but the USPTO patent was only taken out in the third quarter of 2014). It makes it possible to generate an anti-virus database based on the parameters of a particular user computer. The technology works like this: the security solution collects information about the system and formulates filters that can keep databases free of threats that are known to be unable to do any harm to the user of this system, as well as excluding data intended for inactive subsystems. This reduces the volume of updates, making downloads faster and significantly improving the performance and efficiency of the solution because a smaller base means a faster processing time.

Some technologies are patented almost simultaneously in Russia and the United States. For example, in Q3 the patent on thesystem and method for performing administrative tasks on mobile devices was granted both by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation. This invention improves the efficiency of mobile device management by identifying the most effective method from all those supported by the device.

In addition Kaspersky Lab was granted the following USPTO patents:

  •  The system for permanent file deletion makes it possible to dynamically generate an algorithm to delete files based on their individual parameters. This approach helps to find an optimal balance between reliability and speed when irrevocably deleting files. The technology is integrated into Kaspersky PURE.
  • Automatic analysis of security related incidents in computer networks can establish the causes of IT security incidents as well as automatically taking measures to eliminate their consequences and prevent similar incidents on other computers on the network. This design has been successfully used to protect corporate IT infrastructures.
  • The system and method for controlling user access to protected resources using multi-level authentication is an invention that uses a wireless transponder as an additional factor of authentication, i.e. authentication only becomes possible if the device is within range of the transponder. Currently, this technology is being tested in several prototypes of future solutions.
  •  Automatic analysis of software license usage in a computer network is a system that prevents multiple use of a software license key. The technology enables the exchange of information about license keys between the computers on the network and makes a table of active computer applications associated with this license. If the key is used on more computers than permitted by the license, the system sends a notification warning that too many keys are in use at once. The technology is used in Kaspersky Lab solutions for home and corporate users.
  • The system and method for adaptive control of user actions based on user behavior is a technology used for the adaptive tuning of Parental Control functions based on the child’s behavior. It can, for example, restrict user rights in response to attempts to guess the password to the admin account. It can also adjust user rights based on changes in the child’s study program or advice from third parties (such as school teachers). The technology will be used in Parental Control integrated in Kaspersky Lab solutions.
  • The multi-platform operational objective configurator for computing devices is a technology for centralized management of the settings of security systems installed on several user devices. It allows users to set global tasks rather than tuning each individual module. The technology is used in remote control systems for security solutions.
  • The system and method for automated configuration of software installation package is a system to enhance the security of installing of configured installation packages. It authenticates the user and verifies the device configuration. Installation processes can only be fulfilled successfully if the user is authenticated and the device configuration matches the parameters of the installation package. This development is due to be integrated in future Kaspersky Lab solutions for corporate users.
  • Kaspersky Lab holds an extensive patent portfolio. As of October 2014, Kaspersky Lab holds 248 patents issued in Russia, the USA, the European Union and China. A further 290 patent applications are being reviewed by the appropriate authorities.
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