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Konica Minolta Recognised by CDP for Climate Change Transparency for Three Consecutive Years

downloadSINGAPORE – Media OutReach – Nov 12, 2015 – Konica Minolta Inc. has been identified as a Japan leader for the quality of climate change-related information disclosed to investors and the global marketplace through CDP, an international not-for-profit organization for sustainable economies. Hence, Konica Minolta is awarded a position on the Japan 500 Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) for three consecutive years. The news comes two weeks ahead of COP21, the U.N. climate change conference to reduce carbon emissions and limit temperature warming.

Konica Minolta earned its position by disclosing high-quality carbon emissions and energy data through CDP’s climate change program. The data is independently assessed against CDP’s scoring methodology and the top 10% of responding companies within the CDLI. Konica Minolta scored a full 100. Among 500 major Japanese corporations, 25 companies including Konica Minolta are listed on the CDLI.

At the request of 822 investors who represent US$95 trillion in assets, thousands of companies submit annual climate disclosures to CDP. Top scores indicate a high level of transparency in the disclosure of climate change-related information, providing investors with comfort to assess corporate accountability and preparedness for changing market demands.

In Eco Vision 2050, its set of long-term environmental goals, Konica Minolta aims to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the product lifecycle by 80% by 2050 from fiscal 2005 levels. The company’s Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2016 through fiscal 2016 is closely coupled with its business plan to lessen environmental impact and drive company growth. While its businesses grow, Konica Minolta steadily worked through various initiatives to reduce carbon emissions throughout product lifecycle by 40% in fiscal 2016, from fiscal 2005 levels.

Activities to reduce environmental impact have expanded beyond Konica Minolta. It has shared its extensive environmental technologies with stakeholders and collaborated to curb carbon emissions. In fiscal 2014, Konica Minolta started the green Supplier Initiative to assess energy conservation by holding consultations with selected suppliers with no financial ties, and helped them develop mid to long-term environmental plans. Konica Minolta has also been disclosing environmental management-related information in a timely manner through its websites.

Under its brand proposition “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta will contribute to social efforts in mitigating climate change and other environmental challenges, and enhancing co-creation of value by working with all stakeholders on a global scale.


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