Leaps To New Technology – 50% Faster Now, In The Top 1% Sites – IT Voice | IT in Depth

2 mins read Leaps To New Technology – 50% Faster Now, In The Top 1% Sites is powered by Palred Stores a platform built and supported by group company Palred Technology LatestOneServices Pvt. Ltd (PTS). has always operated on a responsive design which automatically adjusts the size and layout to provide a user friendly presentation to the customer, depending on the device, from which the site has been accessed – Desktop, Tablet, Mobile etc. has 150,000 daily visitors and due to rapid growth rate of web usage from mobile/smart phones, the site is now having 80% of traffic from Mobile devices. The challenges and bottlenecks are in the network latency, smartphone’s memory, CPU and ability to load and process the code & images quickly. A recent study found that more than 80% of people are disappointed with the experience of browsing Web on mobile devices.

To overcome these challenges for, PTS released a new version of Palred Stores platform to render the site faster. The Palred Group CTO Mr. Murthy Mulugu said “The new release includes optimizing JavaScript and CSS code, prioritizing resources to avoid excess content, deferring non-critical content, implementing conditional loading and asynchronous scripts. The new versions is light weight, starts rendering faster, finishes loading sooner, with fewer round trips to the server and less mobile data consumption. Our site is over 50% faster now and the number of orders per day have increased by 30% with the same amount of traffic !”

With this release the Time to first render (TTFR) was drastically improved from 20 secs to 5 secs on 2G networks, 16 secs to 3.5 secs on 3G networks. The total download time has been reduced by 50%. That means customers will have a superior shopping experience on The number of orders and consequently ROI have improved by reducing loading time & bounce rate, increasing speed & conversion rates. Google PageSpeed Insights ranks at 96% while Web page testing tools like and give ‘A’ for page speed. Such high rankings and grades by industry standard metrics put amongst the top 1 percent of e-tailing sites in India and amongst the top 5% e-commerce sites globally !

On the occasion of the release of the new version of Palred Stores platform, Mr. Hanumanth Tenneti, Head of E-commerce, Sonata Software Limited, said “It has been a great experience to be the Palred Stores implementation and technology partner of choice. We would like to endorse that Palred Stores, the software that powers, will rank higher than the software used by large and established Indian & global e-tailers on most of the industry acceptable testing tools. And we are sure that this release will provide a competitive advantage to over other e-tailers in the coming months”. He also added “This is also testimony to the fact that Sonata with Palred stores are building enterprise ready e-commerce solutions which are robust, scalable and rich in functionality. Sonata is a Global IT services player with a proven track record and is a partner of choice for many such transformational IT initiatives. Sonata has been working on e-Commerce platforms that deliver powerful online experiences across multiple channels.”

Mr. Ameen Khwaja, the CEO &MD of Palred Online Technologies Ltd (POT) states, “We are observing that with the release of TTFR (Time To First Render) , overall conversion rate has drastically increased from 1.8 to 4, which is almost a 200% growth. Even the total download time has been reduced by 50% which means the website will have better performance on 2G/3Gdevices. This will optimize to faster online shopping experience of our customers.”

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