South Korean tech giant LG is set to launch its flagship smartphone V30 on August 31. The company has already started sending invites for the launch event, which will take place a day before IFA 2017 is kicked off. Adding to the list of leaks and rumours, there’s another one which reveals the design of the device. Spotted by OnLeaks first, the image shows that the dual rear camera setup with LED flash placed next to it. Apart from the camera the rear panel also houses a fingerprint sensor. The volume rockers are located on the left side, while the SIM card tray sits of the right. The smartphone will also sport a secondary display same as its predecessor – LG V20. As per earlier leaks, the LG V30 is expected to come with a 6-inch AMOLED display with 18:9 aspect ratio. The smartphone is likely to be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor paired with 4GB of RAM. The smartphone is said to offer 64GB internal storage and will run Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system out-of-the-box. Recently, another online report suggested LG V30 will sport cameras with f/1.6 aperture. For those unaware, aperture is denoted by the f-number. Lower the f-number, larger the camera opening, which means more light can be captured. This results in brighter and sharper images. This can be considered as a big deal in smartphone cameras as f/1.6 is in itself difficult to find in DSLR lenses. Most smartphones these days come with f/2.0 or f/2.2 aperture. Currently, Samsung is leading the pack with the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 Plus, Galaxy S7 and the Galaxy S7 Plus as all these come with f/1.7 aperture. The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus come with f/1.8 aperture.