Madhya Pradesh Took Another Step Ahead To Show Commitment Towards Solar Energy – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Madhya Pradesh Took Another Step Ahead To Show Commitment Towards Solar Energy

logo (15)Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission in a fresh directive has directed DISCOMs to ensure RPO (Renewable Purchase Obligation) compliance as per the RPO Regulations and has confirmed that any variation in power purchase costs will be considered during true-up exercise.

The directives were given in the recent order released in the matter of Determination of Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Tariff for the Financial Year 2013-14 (Page 46) based on application filed by the Madhya Pradesh Audyogik Kendra Vikas Nigam (Indore) Limited (MPAKVN) for Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Pithampur Area,District Dhar, Madhya Pradesh. The detailed order can be downloaded from

A public hearing on this matter was called by the honorable commission on 2nd of September, where Ujaas Energy Limited, an Indore based company represented and submitted their point requesting the commission to issue directives to the DISCOM to consider the expense towards compliance of their RPOs in the tariff petitions itself. The commission accepting the request issued these fresh directives in the recent order released on 10th of September.

Speaking on this matter Joint Managing Director of Ujaas Energy Limited (pioneers in the field of Solar Power under REC mechanism); Mr. Vikalp Mundra said that this will prove to be one of the major steps towards the promotion of RE power and will set precedence for other DISCOMs also. He extended his gratitude towards the honorable commission on considering the request and issuing this directive. He added that the passing of the impact of procurement of RE Power / RECs in the tariff is a logical step to ensure compliance of RPOs which was much needed considering sustainable objectives and to keep countries fuel import bill in check & preserve forex. Madhya Pradesh has once again by acting judiciously shown its commitment towards promoting Green Energy in the larger interest of country & universe. This will pave a way to other states also to incorporate the same such that the obligated entities cannot make lame excuses towards RPO fulfillment.

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