Maiden Technology Ecosystem born in Indian IT Industry – Tatav IT – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Maiden Technology Ecosystem born in Indian IT Industry – Tatav IT

Tatav IT (1)Moving a level higher in the entire IT networking industry, Tatav IT – an established conglomerate – has transformed itself into a complete “Technology Ecosystem” to transform the IT industry in turn. Tatav IT in its new avatar, oversteps the traditional method of commodity selling and stock pushing and enters the arena of “technology selling” and hence providing the right dwelling/atmosphere to ‘Start Ups’ and ‘Make in India.’ 

Off late the IT industry has almost become a commodity market. People are just moving the stocks like any FMCG goods market. The distributors, have become like C&F agents, and the brands are just pushing stocks to them. The SI partners want to learn, but there’s no one to educate them on the newer technology, as the brands are completely focused on “sales out”. On the other hand the customer is wanting to have something new, being a part of the IT domain. The IT budget is sanctioned every year, but the customer can’t justify buying the same stuff year-over-year. Thus, a change in the way we work in IT industry is imperative and inevitable.

On the other hand, if you look at the global innovations, improvisations and inventions – the established big players aren’t focused upon such things, as they are busy in building their sales. All this is happening at small tech startups, which in turn get bought over by these established giants. This happens only because, the tech startup founding team is from a middle class background, they lack funds and they don’t have the market reach. When they get bought over, their 100$ product become $2500 product with an established brand tag, and the technology becomes unaffordable. Therefore a change is desired in this modus operandi as well.

Keeping the above two scenarios in mind Tatav IT (P) Ltd. has decided to intervene and build a new technology eco-system. Has decided to enable partners and use technology to solve problems, instead of push stocks or sell commodity. The partner will always have something new to sell and change the user experience using technology. So far technology was always at the backend, with no user interface, it was a back office tool, but now technology will enable people to solve problems. – that’s what Tatav IT’s objective is.

As the government has started changing with a high pace for transformation, the same must happen with the industry and may it start from IT. As the PM said in the NITI Aayog annual conference, held in Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi this month, “we are in a world, where the “change” is constant and we are just “variables”, we must change for growth”.

And we believe that the growth is not required in major metros, but in the upcountry. A small SI in a tier-3 city, builds a project, which gets closed by a national SI, sitting in a metro city. This happens, just because the small partner wasn’t aware of the latest technology, didn’t know how to build a solution, didn’t have whitepapers, presentations, knowhow of PoC or making a BoQ, or  source it, supply it, install it. Tatav IT’s endeavor is the break this norm and empower the SI partner to be able to do all that is required, as a one stop solution to all their customers, and build their own brand of a “technology solution partner”.

Tatav IT is the conduit between the innovator, inventors & manufacturers of the latest technologies from startups in India, Korea, Taiwan, Germany & US kind of countries, on one hand and the system integration partners & the customers from all across India, on the other hand. And the motive is very Indian – benefit for all. The customer gets the latest technology at affordable price, the partner gets new business from all his accounts with a niche technology and is able to build his own brand equity of a solution provider, and the startup / innovator / inventor / small manufacturer get business and market, and doesn’t have to get sold out to a bigger player. When many smalls combine and unite, they become a dynamic and pulsating force, mightier than the mightiest and stronger than the strongest.

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