Microsoft Revamps Bing’s Video Search – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Microsoft Revamps Bing’s Video Search

Microsoft has given a makeover to its Bing video search feature.


According to the Verge, new features include larger, easier-to-identify video thumbnails and the users can even preview videos straight from the results to get an idea of what they are looking at. For that, the users just have to move their cursor over a result to watch a small bit of the video.

In addition, Bing shows additional information on each result. Users can now see the view count, upload date and up-loader before clicking to the result.

Music searches will now show a module up at the top for the artist with a photo and a list of other top songs. The suggested videos will be shown half-way down the page in another module, with more recommendations.

That new feature is just one of a few changes that focus on music videos. Searches for songs will now highlight the best result with an extra-large preview. These results are chosen based on relevance and popularity. User can also watch the entire video straight from the search result.

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