Monster-GfK Survey reveals Indians more likely to consider their current employment as ‘just a job’ – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Monster-GfK Survey reveals Indians more likely to consider their current employment as ‘just a job’

India ranks 5th in International Rankings of Career-Minded Workforces

downloadNew Delhi, India, 21 January 2014: Monster India (, one of the leading online career and recruitment solutions provider and flagship brand of Monster Worldwide in India and GfK, an independent global market research company, today released new international survey data looking at levels of job satisfaction among Indian workers. Results of the survey released today reveal that nearly half (48 percent) of Indians consider their current employment to be ‘just a job’, versus the two in five (43 percent) who see their role as part of a career. The research asked more than 8,000 workers including over 400 in India: “Do you view the work you do to be a career or just a job?” The following answers were received in the India:

Just a Job – 48 percent

A Career – 43 percent

Don’t know / didn’t specify – 9 percent

Those aged 18 – 24 are the most likely to be career-minded, with 46 percent saying they consider their employment as part of a career path rather than just being a job for the time being. Older workers are less career-minded compared to their younger colleagues, with this figure dropping to 35 percent for those aged between of 50 – 64.

“The survey is a reflection of India’s workforce; which is a split in terms of those who consider their current employment as part of a longer-term career and as the job market continues to grow and professional opportunities proliferate, we expect an increase in career mindedness amongst workers,” commented Sanjay Modi, Managing Director, (India/ Middle East South East Asia). “However, whether someone has cultivated a career they enjoy, or whether they see themselves as having ‘just a job’ for now, nobody should stay in a role they don’t enjoy – better is always out there which is also the motto of our newly launched ‘Wake Up’ campaign that aims at getting the right fitment for an individual.”Infographic - GfK - World's Most Career-Minded - 21January14

An International view of career-minded workforce

When looking at the international results, the study reveals how seven countries rank in terms of the number of workers who say they consider their work part of a career. The results show that French workers are the most likely to say they have a ‘career’ rather than ‘just a job’, with Indian workers coming exactly mid-way (alongside Britons) in the rankings:

France (70 percent)

Canada (69 percent)

US (57 percent)

UK (43 percent)

India (43 percent)

Netherlands (38 percent)

Germany  (25 percent)

France and Canada top the rankings in terms of people seeing themselves as working within a career, when both also score highly on work-life balance: people in both countries work fewer hours than the average worker in an OECD-member country, according to the organisation’s Better Life Index. Also, Germans are known for their hard-working attitude, but the results of the research implies employment vis a vis career is much less likely in Germany. Evidently each country has its own culturally influenced views on what it means to have a career, but regardless of how workers view their jobs, nobody should settle for a role they aren’t satisfied with.

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